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Bahama Mamas Additions


Well-known member
Hello, I run Bahama Mamas. I have a few things i'd like added to the bar is possible. These are:

  • A wardrobe for employees in the changing rooms next to the office. This would be very handy as i would like to come up with an outfit for the employees to wear when we have an event.
  • The ability to make smoothies behind the bar. At current we have no way to make them at Bahamas. We're currently using Burger Shot to do so which is a bit annoying but is what it is.
  • There is also a safe in the wall, I was wondering whether that could actually be used as a safe for Bahamas.


Better RP with the safe meaning all the cash isnt stored on the desk.

Wardrobe makes it easier to get changed for employees and myself.

The ability to make smoothies would just make life a lot easier.


Dev work which could be used elsewhere to help the server.

Many thanks 🙂

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+1 on this. A wardrobe for employees in the cloakroom would be so much easier. And the smoothie machine would also be a good addition 🙂 
