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Ban on Lukas Graham 30-nov-24 23:30 (Denied)

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I knew I heard gun shots! I couldn't find you haha and then when I came back my fellow Police officer was being knocked out! Instant rubber bullet and restraint, after that we presumed he was you haha. I'm surprised you didn't kill me you sneaky devil  :p
 Yee it's was a good time we had mate :i

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Banned without chance ? you do understand we give plenty of chance by displaying our rules in such detail.

I find the ban fair... this is a serious roleplay community and it sounds like you do not understand roleplay...
What i ment with without a chance, is that i did not get enough time time to explain it to Kris ingame.

You were already banned for VDMing and this further ban shows you havent read or followed our strict rules. You get one chance to show you are a valued member and unfortunatly thats it.


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