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Ban the Person above you game.


banned for pointing out the obvious

Issued: 25/12/2016 @ 01:12 AM GMT LONDON TIME

Reason:  being lazy in making a character name using his jammal and than change it into cammal, and for having the term :SWAG! in his profile picture,which clearly is not cool anymore

Hereby I, The Potato Patriarch ban JammalCammal from every potato selling shop.


Issued: 25/12/2016 @ 01:12 AM GMT LONDON TIME

Reason:  being lazy in making a character name using his jammal and than change it into cammal, and for having the term :SWAG! in his profile picture,which clearly is not cool anymore

Hereby I, The Potato Patriarch ban JammalCammal from every potato selling shop.

well damm banned for making a shit joke that was unessary as he deems his gender being a potato

Banned for shitposting


