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Tujm Makmud

Well-known member
Before we start, i know that there is currently already the pacific standard bank that crims are able to rob, but as many know the required assets and relations in order to do this heist is rather tedious, expensive and not worth doing, despite the large ammount of cash you recieve once you complete it. Even within the Pacific bank there are still assets that dont require the implemented Archies eye, the banks havent been touched for 2 years now and it would be great to see a new criminal activity to do besides joining a gang and selling drugs (i understand that there are other activities such as robbing shop safes and distributing weaponry etc. however it either isnt worth the time for some people or they arent part of the specific organisation to do certain things, which shouldnt be forced upon a player)

In order to keep things balanced for this to work there would have to be server rules implemented that would make it fun for both Police and Crims:
-Limiting the number of people able to do a heist (e.g 4-6) (This would allow Police to gauge the ammount of units to turn up on scene and reduce stress on the police force)
-to keep it fair on both sides there would have to also be a limit on the amount of police that can turn up on scene
-you are to not orchestrate multiple bank heists at the same time reduce stress on the police
-No Fake and/or members of your affiliated group are to be used as a hostage

How It could be implemented-
This could be implemented by making use of the Drills that we already have in RPUK, these would obviously be used to either unlock the door and/or safes. In order to implement some sort of way skill could be implemented, the current minigame used for mining or Repair kits could be used in order to drill the safes/door open, with slight altercations (sped up/increased ammount of skill checks). This drilling proccess could either be effected or break, slowing it down or removing it from the players inventory, the latter adds an increased risk however when first implemented it would probably be for the best to slow it down in order to allow the players to adjust to how banks work; later changing it to breaking the drills in a later update.

The payout- The payout from the heist would need to be enough to endorse crims to do the Bank with varying degrees of payouts. (depending on the ammount of police that are on the server/which bank you are robbing) E.g Paleto bank would have the lowest payout and legion bank would have the hieghest (With the exception of Pacific Bank). 
Since there will hopefully be a cap on the number people that are able to do the bank therefore the pay would be the best being 350k in possible dirty cash.
divided between 4 people that would be 87k each and between 6 it would be 56k. 

-more RP opportunities for Crims and Police, more opportunities for gangs to interact with those who arent affiliated with gangs.
-(If dirty cash is introduced it would provide a more in depth and realistic roleplay experience and would still give police the opportunity to catch the suspects after they initially escape)
-just overall more things to do with less risk if losing large sums of cash making it more appealing to people and could encourage a higher quality RP.
-Appealing to mass majority of the community (increasing player retention and keeping players occupied for a long time).
-Police props would be used more often to block off roads producing further realism in high demand areas such as legion square.
-Something else the crims can prepare for without major investment like with the pacific bank.

 Development Pros- Could use the same scripts used for Archies Eye, Mining/mechanic minigame, Drilling animation, police alerts, Bank Alarm, loading bar, Shop safe cooldown, crafting restrictions, bank interiors dont need to be changed  (I dont Develop for Fivem so some of this may be incorrect)

Pros/Cons(could be seen as both)-
-Police have more to respond to
-Gangs could have another source of income from selling drills
-Changes to the economy

-More Development

-How to reduce the ammount of random newcomers looking to instantly rob a bank/ bait police.
  make it locked behind gangs/other whitelisted groups to build and sell drills to the right people.
-How to reduce the stress put on the police; Banks can only be hit every 3 hours or once per server restart (per bank)
  this gives Crims 8 Banks to hit per storm (as a whole not per person!)


still don't think there should be a server rule to limit the amount of people at a situation, other than that, +1

still don't think there should be a server rule to limit the amount of people at a situation, other than that, +1
all open to discussion, im not a fan of it on crim or police sided either was just thinking of a balance of what people may want 🙂 thanks btw nikolai xxx

To be honest if more Banks were to be introduced i do agree there should be a rule for not doing multiple banks at the same time or something else that doesn't allow you to do another bank while one is activated.

As  for the suggestion i completely agree with it as for the limit of people i am not sure about it, also would love to see dirty money coming back to the server (For selling drugs, Banks etc ...)  it honestly just makes the common criminal have to roleplay with a gang to get their stuff washed or something along those lines of course, and if the common criminal doesn't wanna talk to the gangs to get their stuff washed they can still break into the gangs safehouses to find out if its possible to wash it somewhere and that way there are 2 alternatives to those people (basically the washing machine isn't a whitelisted asset like the crafting bench for gangs but its still inside gang's safehouses)

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To be honest if more Banks were to be introduced i do agree there should be a rule for not doing multiple banks at the same time or something else that doesn't allow you to do another bank while one is activated.

As  for the suggestion i completely agree with it as for the limit of people i am not sure about it, also would love to see dirty money coming back to the server (For selling drugs, Banks etc ...)  it honestly just makes the common criminal have to roleplay with a gang to get their stuff washed or something along those lines of course, and if the common criminal doesn't wanna talk to the gangs to get their stuff washed they can still break into the gangs safehouses to find out if its possible to wash it somewhere and that way there are 2 alternatives to those people.
yh ik there are money laundering machines in some turf safehouses 😉 a great example is groves hidden door to one

yh ik there are money laundering machines in some turf safehouses 😉 a great example is groves hidden door to one
Triads and i think also Ballas have some pretty sure there is a good amount of gangs that have them

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While it's a good idea, I think something new for banks would be a lot better, yes more dev time, but I want to do different hacks and gain different things to do banks rather than the same old mechanics.

I also know some people hate it when nopixel like suggestions get made but in terms of balance and say not letting the same group of people constantly hit a bank, you have to join a queue for a lottery. The prize is a set of codes to get into the bank during a certain period. that way everyone gets a fair chance, you don't have just one group running about hitting each bank constantly, it also gives more interaction between different crims and feds rather than the same constant group (potentially).

Basically, make it harder, make it interesting, make it longer to prepare to do it.

I like the idea of smaller bank jobs, it gives crims more ways to make money , more activities and variation.

It also provides a rp story arc for gangs wanting to rp as armed robbers. Stores , smaller banks and finally up to the ‘crown jewel’ the pacific bank. 

At the moment there is not really any ‘stand offs’ between crims and Police that encourage extended dialogue and rp I.e. negotiations, demands and finally a chase/shootout.

Stores pay so little they are hardly worth the risk , especially for a gang. Hopefully the lay out can still be sufficient that it encourages gangs/multiple crims to take the risk of losing items, money and spending time in prison. 

The need to launder the money is a good idea also and to have crims have to go interact with the established gangs. 

Maybe also being able to hack atm’s or Drill them and steel cash from them could also be implemented . Obviously they immediately alert Law but it’s a skill/speed crime. In and out type of thing.

Crims need to win everytime the law only needs to win once and crims lose a lot. 

Off the back of this, I think it'd be interesting to have large and small bank heists, with of course increasing amounts of reward with the higher the risk.

Rob a small bank in Paleto, sure you'll get away with it but the the reward will be pretty peh.  Small time crime sorta deal.

Rob the bank, or union depository, right next to the police?  Cha-ching.

I think it'd lead to some very interesting planning and tactics, the Altis gold robberies always led to an interesting time on both sides of the pitch.

One thing hard to manage would be to limit the amount of robberies happening at the same time. Because the scenario doesn't start when you start robbing the bank, but with the plan and execution, this involves finding hostages as an example.  And it would be devastating for the second group to not continue with its already rolling roleplay scenario because another bank is already being robbed. I like the mini games part and the possible different rewards. Maybe some sort of jewelry or even paintings ( Which we already have in the server)

Besides that +1

While it's a good idea, I think something new for banks would be a lot better, yes more dev time, but I want to do different hacks and gain different things to do banks rather than the same old mechanics.

I also know some people hate it when nopixel like suggestions get made but in terms of balance and say not letting the same group of people constantly hit a bank, you have to join a queue for a lottery. The prize is a set of codes to get into the bank during a certain period. that way everyone gets a fair chance, you don't have just one group running about hitting each bank constantly, it also gives more interaction between different crims and feds rather than the same constant group (potentially).

Basically, make it harder, make it interesting, make it longer to prepare to do it.
That's a good idea that tbf lad, if it was made it could probably be added in with the current laptop or smthn with an a queue Interface to get a code with an unsuspecting name for rp reasons
