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Bank jobs and RP

Thank you for being mature and answering me with constructiveness, instead of being childish like Tasteless. I realise it might look like Im butthurt, but to be honest, I dont care if you win at the bank or not, I just want it to be a pleasant experience for both sides.

If there is something wrong with how police does it, maybe we can discuss this in a meeting or something, see if something can get done? Cause frankly, bank jobs as it are not very fun for me. Maybe we can make it fun for everyone?
The reason behind it was the absurd way u arrested me and took my gun away for no reason at all :)

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From what I saw your guys drove directly to one of the plf who was far away from the bank and arrested him, and then you got shot  by PLF after being warned by PLF. I don't see the drama here.

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I am always happy to negotiate, before starting to shoot but, Police always end up getting into positions to shoot upon people when they get the opportunity. We have even had Police hostage when trying to do the bank, and there lifes have not been considered at all. But instead the police just shoot at us while we have him hostage.
Earlier we let PLF go and completely agreed with our negotiation.

First thing that happened to me at that bankjob tonight was one of the cops running up to me instantly arresting me for no reason at all, all I've been doing is sit on the hill with a rangefinder looking at the bank. He told me that I had an illegal gun out, when I never took my rifle out of the backpack after jumping out of the chopper.

First thing I did was stand up and put my hands on my head when I saw the cops coming, I tried to ask them why they instant cuffed me without saying a word, and then taking my gun away immediatly for no reason at all other then "He "saw" me having a rifle out" when I never did. ELI5 pls?
Like I said, you were never under arrest, and I merely moved you a bit and let you go. And you were only handcuffed after we started taking shots. But please, this post is about improving bankjobs, not arguing or posting silly images. PLEASE keep it constructive.

Like I said, you were never under arrest, and I merely moved you a bit and let you go. And you were only handcuffed after we started taking shots. But please, this post is about improving bankjobs, not arguing or posting silly images. PLEASE keep it constructive.
Lies, you took my gun and first thing u said was "You had an illegal gun out" when it was never out of my backpack. pls

Lies, you took my gun and first thing u said was "You had an illegal gun out" when it was never out of my backpack. pls
Please stop posting, we can do this on TS if you have any complaints, Im not looking for drama or a fight.

maybe time for police to take the same action as the rebels at the bank, but afterwords don't say a word and don't scream when you see a caravan off hunters coming 
we are here to have good RP and shot a unarmed police in head is not very nice, 

police always need to ask the question's then get an answer and 9 out of 10 times we get shot upon arrival,

my answer is this !!!



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Please stop posting, we can do this on TS if you have any complaints, Im not looking for drama or a fight.
No need to lie about an encounter you did so wrong RP wise, and you complain about the lack of RP on bankjobs and the bankjob that just happened. I don't see your logic anywhere? sorry.

All you said was that I had an illegal firearm out (which I didn't) and that I should not return, where I answered I will return and thanks for the bad RP while running to another place.

No need to lie about an encounter you did so wrong RP wise, and you complain about the lack of RP on bankjobs and the bankjob that just happened. I don't see your logic anywhere? sorry.

All you said was that I had an illegal firearm out (which I didn't) and that I should not return, where I answered I will return and thanks for the bad RP while running to another place.
Can you stop spamming a thread please? It's getting annoying.
Can you stop spamming a thread please? It's getting annoying.
I state my point about the police encounter I had today was with so bad RP, and then a post by that same person complaining about bad RP pops up. No answer is given by any of u of why, meh.. 

Oh, really? I think someone is looking for a warning point... Good to see you are keeping it mature.

Considering this is a Serious Roleplay Community and you're taking the piss out of someone for wanting to roleplay.. Do you really belong here?
I seem to recall a series of police loving to use so called "crying" gifs, even endorced by someone who is now a forum mod.

How come the sudden shift in mentality here?

I say we remove all illegal weapons for a day and leave cops with non lethal to see how many people REALLY want rp. Any money there will be a reduce in player numbers.

Okay, before this gets totally drowned in posts about tissues and what one police officer apparently did wrong, I would like to suggest a meeting between some of the highest in police, and some of the established rebel leaders, and maybe wilco and ciaran to see how we can make bank jobs fair and fun for everyone again.

Because it seems like police thinks rebels dont roleplay, and rebels thinks police only roleplay to drag the situation out and get into position. This is a problem, if roleplay cant be used on a roleplay server weve failed somewhere.

It might be the police who has failed, it might be the rebels or might simply be no ones fault.

Anyway, we need to sort this out.

I seem to recall a series of police loving to use so called "crying" gifs, even endorced by someone who is now a forum mod.

How come the sudden shift in mentality here?
Was I one of those police officers? No, so what does that have to do with my thread?

And also, if there has been a shift in mentality, isnt that a good thing? Or are you saying people arent allowed to change and become better?

i just wonder why you're not taking this on TS, instead of complaining about it here ? You started the Topic, didn't you ?
Because I wanted to talk about bank ops in general, not only this one. I used it as an example...

Anyways, just delete this thread. It was a mistake to try to have a discussion on the forums, it obviously cant be done.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Honestly cant say iv ever been to a bank job in which the police roleplayed back, Im not a 100% sure who the negotiator was i was speaking too one bank job was, maybe mental, i offered the gunboat back id aquired and no blood shed, however while we were discussing terms officers where killing us..result = all out blood bath. Option B you keep us talking long enough we are completely surrounded which in turn destroys all negotiations as we loose all trust.

We are there for gold, we arnt there for a hemmt of apples, or some NPAS helmets. We tried to rp and the 12 cops that were online quickly dropped to 8 cops while we were robbing it.

but still, when we first try to rob the bank with a hostage, and you value the bank more than the life of a colleague. Then it becomes that we give up trying. Thats why i never do the bank anymore

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Well i must say i agree with TI and PLF here we did the bank job many times but the last one we tried to negotiate instead of shooting while we were negotiating we got surrounded by all the police force and they were all in positions when the negotiation is done 4 of Gc members got killed instantly cause police surrounded us and 2 hunters came out of the blue. Negotiations shouldnt be used to buy some time and get in the positions by cops thats what ruins the RP. We dont take actions (placing the bomb) while were negotiating and neither cops should.

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Okay, Im gonna post one last thing here, that some people may agree with and some don't. Please know, it's not to cause drama (this thread was never intended to do that, I merely wanted to open up a discussion about how to improve the bank).

The bank pays so much, it should really be a rare occurance to be able to get away with a bank robbery. I don't even know what you make now, but about 12 million is maybe not too far off? This is an incredible sum of money, the first month on this server I worked hard to get over 5 million. Drug runs and robberies, that was equally dangerous but payed far, FAR less.

The bank SHOULD be hard to do. Really hard. It shouldnt be "oh no, we haven't been able to complete a bank robbery in a couple of days", it should be like a 1/10 shot of making it.

If you are a donator, which most active rebels are, good gear will cost you maybe 100/120k and if you are 10 people doing it that will pay off tenfold. 
