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Bank jobs and RP

Must have been a while since you're a donating rebel, Brat, it's actually more about £300,000.

It simply comes down to the fact; I've love the last 3-4 bank jobs for the following reasons:

Police setting up road strips and roadblock in Kavala

Police logging out when starting the job (and I mean, police logging out in droves and then logging onto server 2 just to avoid bank jobs)

Policing ensuring their victory when role playing such as an anonymous tip to prove that were in fact intending to steal the gold and not clean it as stated

Police starting negotiations, offering £200,000 while setting up and when turning down the money deciding to go by force.

The only time I've ever complained about any of the above is when I spoke to two officers directly involved in the logging out situation.

So last night, we did a bank job by force, like we used to do when the bank was near Telos. we destroyed all police, 5 being shot by myself and the rest being shot between Tasteless and another person from Ti.

The first thing I realise, when I'm ingame, I'm being spammed by someone asking for answers why I killed him, I then realise there's a thread about it.

Police, once again have had a winning streak, now learn to lose. It is not always going to go in your favour.

I hope you don't mean to say I was spamming you? Because you didn't even kill me, Tasteless did. 

And yes, police must learn to loose, that is true. But when the only way a bank op works is by completely avoiding RP, something is WRONG, I hope everyone realises that? Everyone on the thread has admitted that little to no RP can be initiated in a bank op as it is.

We must try to change this, yes the police makes mistakes and of course wants to win, and so does the rebels. I simply dont believe the fault lies ONLY with the police, I think everyone can work together and make the bank fun for ALL involved. We need to stop seeing everything as black and white and see things from not just our own perspective, but the entire servers perspective.

(Damn it, there goes another "last post..")

I hope you don't mean to say I was spamming you? Because you didn't even kill me, Tasteless did.

And yes, police must learn to loose, that is true. But when the only way a bank op works is by completely avoiding RP, something is WRONG, I hope everyone realises that? Everyone on the thread has admitted that little to no RP can be initiated in a bank op as it is.

We must try to change this, yes the police makes mistakes and of course wants to win, and so does the rebels. I simply dont believe the fault lies ONLY with the police, I think everyone can work together and make the bank fun for ALL involved. We need to stop seeing everything as black and white and see things from not just our own perspective, but the entire servers perspective.

(Damn it, there goes another "last post..")
forever last post!
But no, you shouldn't restrict yourself from posting because of others, I appreciate your feedback.

The problem is, we've had large meetings and discussions about how to improve RP at banks, we just feel it falls to the same thing, if we play it fair game and role play the entire bank, you might as well remove it as every time we do it, the police will pull something out of a bag and ensure their victory with little remorse than a "GG good role play" via Teamspeak. If Police were willing to lose more, more role play would take place at the bank. Just look at the time we did what the UNMC did by saying they have hostages strapped with bombs. Police couldn't do a thing. We did the same thing and the police ambushed us at our base, it's a red zone, no rules like the UNMC have so we can't hide safely behind our walls.

We know we're doing the bank job to gain gold to gain money, so do you, but when in game, when in character and when role playing, the police need to have a mentality that this bank job may actually be a real repair company replacing the vault or may actually be a third party cleaning company. It may be royal mint workers inspecting the gold. You also need the mentality that if it's going to result in a shoot out, you're up against heavily armed terrorist groups who will sacrifice their love of life to give their family a better life.

Edit: @BratJaggesVlnd no no, not you, as more recently I've encountered a large amount of messages from the police force, while I appreciate I'm an in game Admin and I always read messages, if I'm In PLF channels, I'm likely off duty, you can see get a hold of me if it's urgent such as a hacker or mass RDMer however if you're messaging me when I'm actually playing and you know I'm in the middle of something, be it a fight, be it role playing with a medic or police or another civilian, I'd appreciate if people didn't send me several Teamspeak messages and definitely not poke me. You can always contact me in game through the message system or an admin request, I still see admin requests regardless what character I'm playing on and will respond if need be, as @Ross will constitute too.

Anyone poking me will result in certain death, it prevents me from fulfilling my joke completely, I record every ban I issue and if you poke me just as I ban someone I lose the evidence I need to back up the reason I banned that person.

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tbh this situation was poor RP on PLF Kris part as we get a message off TI saying anyone entering the Treasury will be shot. Okay we fully understand that we then move up onto a hill 700m away getting ready to send in a negotiator which we then get fired upon and PLF Kris kills 4 officers no RP nothing it was out of the blue then i put my gun on my back obviously to value my life i then shout im unarmed i have no weapon in my hands i surrender i then see PLF Kris he was right infront of me i then shout the same thing twice this was about for 20 seconds he can surely hear me he then shoots me. This isnt the first time PLF randomly show up and a Treasury Operation. From my point of view and other officers the RP from his part was extremely poor. 

How did we randomly show up if we did the bank with our allied gang TI and we where there before the bankjob was even started?

In real life do people die at a bank job? they either dont get caught or kill each other, hostages are valued, not like here. remember taking steph hostage and she got shot lol dafuq, anyway whatevs, bank job people are going to die more than likely.

The only problem in the bank job IMO is the Police not valuing the hostages as much as Police would value them in real life. If that changed I think it should be fine. 

tbh this situation was poor RP on PLF Kris part as we get a message off TI saying anyone entering the Treasury will be shot. Okay we fully understand that we then move up onto a hill 700m away getting ready to send in a negotiator which we then get fired upon and PLF Kris kills 4 officers no RP nothing it was out of the blue then i put my gun on my back obviously to value my life i then shout im unarmed i have no weapon in my hands i surrender i then see PLF Kris he was right infront of me i then shout the same thing twice this was about for 20 seconds he can surely hear me he then shoots me. This isnt the first time PLF randomly show up and a Treasury Operation. From my point of view and other officers the RP from his part was extremely poor. 
No RP from ur part either, and I saw u guys getting into position to snipe etc. you also had guns for it. The no RP part from you where u just took my gun because "I had it out" which I never did was also poor, complaining about poor RP when u guys also did perform no RP is quite the double morale?

anyway ladies and gents we can see something needs to change here, police need to value lifes and rebels need to be less trigger happy, but as i said, in these times in the real world, guys would run in take hostages and kill people.

tbh this situation was poor RP on PLF Kris part as we get a message off TI saying anyone entering the Treasury will be shot. Okay we fully understand that we then move up onto a hill 700m away getting ready to send in a negotiator which we then get fired upon and PLF Kris kills 4 officers no RP nothing it was out of the blue then i put my gun on my back obviously to value my life i then shout im unarmed i have no weapon in my hands i surrender i then see PLF Kris he was right infront of me i then shout the same thing twice this was about for 20 seconds he can surely hear me he then shoots me. This isnt the first time PLF randomly show up and a Treasury Operation. From my point of view and other officers the RP from his part was extremely poor. 
We asked for no negotiators but also mentioned any officer seen within 1.5km radius of the treasury will be shot sorry mate. We initiated RP and you should have complied, you literally went straight into a fire fire.

And i have finished reading the Majority of the Bollocks in this Chat, Finally,

"if any police come to the bank they will be shot?" 

If this is the limits to TI's roleplay then I should role a Fucking tank into the bank and shoot you all who needs to be fair on a serious roleplay server when all you want is the money or to shoot some cops. That is not roleplay that is Wasteland, That is a poor excuse and one more text like that i will be flexing my muscles and doing "everything" in my power to stop you.

Police value there lives more than anyone here realises taking a gang member hostage isn't roleplay its s stalling tactic again piss poor roleplay,

Taking a police officer hostage to the bank you are not interested in roleplay I have never! had good role play during a bank robbery unless it is UNMC and then it is borderline.

I am waiting for the day One of these rebel Gangs proves me Wrong but long gone was my respect for any rebel gang other than the UNMC Whom at least try to roleplay even if it goes south,

Every rebel Gang on this island is only interested in a Gunfight, and not a fair gunfight as today proves all these little alliances.

I think a lot of People forget this is Serious and Realistic, If you are telling me you are going out on the streets shouting abuse at cops and expecting to get away with it, I hope to see you get your head smashed with a Baton, Go and rob an Actual bank better yet a treasury see what kind of response you get.

But Yes, Any cops that come to the Treasury will be Shot, I look forward to this text i really do..


A serious roleplay community.. Commander Maratek "I hope to see you get your head smashed with a baton" nice one bud nice one.

Heres what we will do, give us examples of how youd like to RP, anything PLF have tried to RP cops fuck us over, go on list it

A serious roleplay community.. Commander Maratek "I hope to see you get your head smashed with a baton" nice one bud nice one.
And... the context to the quote is.. he's referring to RL

 If you are telling me you are going out on the streets shouting abuse at cops and expecting to get away with it, I hope to see you get your head smashed with a Baton, Go and rob an Actual bank better yet a treasury see what kind of response you get.
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I'll be honest, I was a bit disappointed with how the police responded to the hostage OP I was running with GC yesterday. Don't get me wrong, it was all good and the negotiator they sent was absolutely brilliant however whilst I was talking to the negotiator I got word that my snipers were being killed. Obviously, this was the end of the negotiations but it was too late to go any further because a literal 10 cops stormed the building..xD..

I'm not saying it was bad, but it could have been done better. At least a "yes" or a "no" to my terms or perhaps a "We have the house surrounded, come out with your hands up". That would have really enhanced roleplay seeing as none of us were doing it to succeed, simply for the roleplay. I had so much roleplay planned out for that but not enough time. Oh well, i'll try again later :D

Thinking from a RP perspective, messaging police to say stay away or die is a little foul. Don't get me wrong it is difficult when u have 10-15 cops surrounding you, but that's why you need the negotiator, and hostages, and a plan.

I say, make the negotiator mandatory. If negotiations break down so be it, but there should be some rules around bank jobs.

I was told ifrits are not allowed in the compound? Is this true? Then neither should hunters for balance.

There is a lot to be discussed and I hope the bank job rp improves, the last time I did a bank job there was no negotiator.

Also, I think it should be a rule for police: DO NOT LOG OFF DURING BANK RAIDS.

it is technically exploiting the game mechanics to prevent a bank job, IMO this is flat out wrong and should never happen, I class it worse than combat logging.


Just rule out an entry point for rp (negotiator). Maybe some basic rules like you MUST demand something from police. And police MUST value their lives and the lives of the hostages above the bank gold.

Just my opinion :) .

In real life if i was to rob a bank or treasury armed, id get shot..bottom line, if you cops have any suggestions as to how we can RP..shoot im all ears, as i said last few times PLF have tried, we either get shot in the bank or all the cops DC on "the treasury is being broken into"

I'll be honest, I was a bit disappointed with how the police responded to the hostage OP I was running with GC yesterday. Don't get me wrong, it was all good and the negotiator they sent was absolutely brilliant however whilst I was talking to the negotiator I got word that my snipers were being killed. Obviously, this was the end of the negotiations but it was too late to go any further because a literal 10 cops stormed the building..xD..

I'm not saying it was bad, but it could have been done better. At least a "yes" or a "no" to my terms or perhaps a "We have the house surrounded, come out with your hands up". That would have really enhanced roleplay seeing as none of us were doing it to succeed, simply for the roleplay. I had so much roleplay planned out for that but not enough time. Oh well, i'll try again later :D
This is the part where Maratek says his cops value there officers lifes, hope you put a bullet in his head

Just rule out an entry point for rp (negotiator). Maybe some basic rules like you MUST demand something from police. And police MUST value their lives and the lives of the hostages above the bank gold.

Just my opinion :) .
 WHat would we demand when we are after gold?

Tea and biscuits. Or chopper. Or tell them u want a song... Use your imagination ;) . It is a rp scene. Even if its only to stall them.
