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Bank Of Altis

Is there a equation for the amount of interest you earn?
This is calculated by using a formula we have within the Bank.
It involves a lot of factors though, such as: inflation, supply/demand etc.

When the loan or deposit is being made, we show the client the equation and explain everything else surrounding his/her actions.

Bank of Altis will return shortly after a new stockholders meeting. We asure you it won't be a Bernie Madoff 2.0.

Stay tuned for more!

I believe Matt is banned and from what I have seen he is not getting Un-banned so does this mean my money is gone now as he has it and not a shared account? 

I believe Matt is banned and from what I have seen he is not getting Un-banned so does this mean my money is gone now as he has it and not a shared account? 
Maybe you will get reimbursed, however investments are risky ;) 

I believe Matt is banned and from what I have seen he is not getting Un-banned so does this mean my money is gone now as he has it and not a shared account? 
I will most likely be compensating all the investors from my own money due to the recent shit-storm.
