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Bannable offensive?

So me and my friend, we were doing some transferring of gear, then all of a sudden some guys run me over then tell my friend to put his hands on his head, then straight away kill him, he didn't have anytime to rp back, then they rp with me then kill me, are they allowed to just run me straight over like that? got it recorded, thanks for reading this.

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If you think it's RDM and you have a recording and havent been able to talk it over with the player on the TS, then submit a report form under the Support tab at the top of the page.

If thats the case, it would be classified as poor Roleplay. Speak to them first, no outcome of incident then post under complaint section.

Fail roleplay/RDM. report in using the create option>fill a form>report a player and fill out the template.

You only have 24 hours, otherwise the report is invalid.

ONLY report if you have failed to RESOLVE the offense with the offenders.
