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banned and not giving anytime (No response)

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New member

I havnt been able to appeal my ban because you didnt give me enough time to answer...

anyways, just to let you know, i would have loved to donate to this server as it is very excellent..

but you must forgive any players who comes into this game and just go around running people down or shooting people on site.. this is an age where people are playing the likes of dayz and so on..

how many players read the instruction and the beginning or read your website??? bet not many.. i for one didnt... i also didnt have a clue at first what this was all about....

I do now because i have taking time to read through the rules etc...

so really now its up to you.... unban me and i can donate and play within the rules.. or keep me banned and i will find another server to play... your call

Makes me cringe when i see people say they will donate if they get unbanned

like paul said using i would donate as an argument is not really good at the beginning and well if you like to drive people over or gun them down there are plenty of other game mode's on arma 

when people come to the server they see that it is a ROLE PLAY so i think they should have tha attitude to not just go on and kill people for no reason at all 


Well its clear you do not understand what Altis Life RPG is... its a roleplaying game... our server has many strict rules to encourage RP at all times and yes we ban about 30-40 people per day.

Your ban made you come and read the rules.... and that for me is the point of education seeing putting the rules in game would never get read.

Saying you will donate we see as some sort of thoughtless bribe... were not about money so kill that approach.

Go read the rules... show us full understanding of what rule you broke and assurances you wont do it again and post your GUID for a FINAL chance.

No response from player. If you still wish to be unbanned please open another thread with a link to this once.

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