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Banned (Denied)

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I was battle eye banned on this user account 76561198052232996 

I was banned around the time of GTA V's release on PC and I was using cheat engine to add money on single player and decided I wanted to play arma however I was not really concentrating and  launched arma and attempted to connect to the server without closing the cheat engine. I realize this is entirely my mistake however I have spent a fair amount of money and time on this server and would very much like to rejoin and play again. 

Please believe me as I really do enjoy playing this server and I hate that a stupid mistake that I made absent mindedly and  had no intention of using to further my account on altis. I have never had so much fun playing with my friends on a server and I just got my computer back and would very much enjoy rejoining.

thank you for taking the time to consider this request.

player ID: 76561198052232996

Cant help you sorry, we have no power over the gods of battle eye. If they ban you then  you have to buy a new copy. 

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You will have to try and contact battle eye and see will they unban you but as you did have cheat engine open they may not unban your account so looks like you will have to buy a new aram3 under a new account 

Good luck with that one, either way connecting to our server with cheatengine open is a perm ban, if you get a new arma dont bother coming back on our servers (we do checks)

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