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Banned for advertising

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SGT Mitchell

Well-known member
So, I'm now banned for advertising on our teamspeak other servers. I respect rule 6a and understand advertising is NOT allowed here. Basically, I went to play rebel on another server which shall not be named. A couple of cops joined me, and we've been playing rebels whilst off duty. 

The issue came from me possibly saying "Lets go play this server" on teamspeak rather than steam, which is where we normally ask each other if we're going on another server.

Obviously there is a lot of debate and issues between the two servers, which shouldn't really be discussed here.

Basically, I do apologize for asking people to play with me - 99% of the time I asked through steam, it just pretty much slipped out once. 

Played on altislife.co.uk for about 2 months now, absolutely love it here and met some hella fun people on the cops side. Would be a shame to have to stop playing altislife.co.uk with all these fun people.

Tldr version:

Bunch of cops played on a "rival" server, two of us are now banned for advertising. I admit I may have said the server name or lets go play on that server but the advertising was definitely unintentional and I apologize dearly. I love this server a hell of a lot, and put a hell of a lot of my free time into it.

- SPC Mitchell

Topic locked until ready to deal with (There are others infront) Please do not post in other peoples unban requests.

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Mitchell decided not to continue with his unban request therefore moving to denied.

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