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Banned for no reason (Denied)

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Seem to have been mistaken, thought I was streaming at the time but I wasnt so twitch didnt record it =/ why did I get banned anyways? I got given no reasoning

Any resolution to this??

Edit: ok? when? and can I know WHY I was banned for 4 days now?

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It will be answered when its answered. Unless you were caught up in an accidental ban, which happens with BEC sometimes, you have done something to warrent a ban. The admin who banned you will answer in due course. Be patient or I will enforce our ban dispute rules.

It will be answered when its answered. Unless you were caught up in an accidental ban, which happens with BEC sometimes, you have done something to warrent a ban. The admin who banned you will answer in due course. Be patient or I will enforce our ban dispute rules.
You answer questions with threats? what kind of community is this??

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