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Banned for ramming a car (Denied)

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Active member
Hello dear Altislife.co.uk admins and mods

I yesterday 25-11-14 was playing with a friend on your main server. We were stopped at paros by 2 random people who threathened us with guns saying that we had to get out the car, our first impression was, that they were going to shoot us (which they did). So we tried to drive away. My friend got slaughtered and i managed to escape in a car. I then went back and by that same place again to try my luck and take my friend with me on adventure. They were there again, and shot at me, so i tried to ram one of them with my truck (did so since u cant be killed by ramming). That was wrong by me and i had violated the "dont use vehicle as weapon rule", I am regreting my decession and hope that u will give me a second chance. I've read through the whole rulelist.  

It wont happen again i injoy playing on the server, the rule is also knows as VDM. 

- Xuze

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VDM is not tolerated here. No matter how mad you are.

Ensure you read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID, not your Arma ID, for a final chance on the server.

As i said earlier i regreat my actions and will never do it again. As i said i know that i've broken the VDM role, it's quoted 3 times in the ruleset: updated october 2014: The following rules were broken:

Rule 5: Rest of Altis

VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)

e7acd14c8699827e6e57fab9719c2d06 not found

Please open a new request linking this post with your steam ID 

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