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"banned for trolling" WHAT!?

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Davy Jones

New member
Basicly right before i got banned there was a hacker on the server placing mines, A cop died from on of these mines i think so it was prolly his stuffed i picked up. Anyhow long story short, i picked up a spiked wire and had no clue it was a cop only item used it from my inventory and it got stuck infron of my char and i accidentaly killed a fresh spawned guy. Right after i get banned for trolling, you have no reason to ban me at all cus i didnt even have time to type to an admin about it being stuck.

A tip man just say sorry rather than trying to justify your actions, in most aspects of life you have to deal with people and by just admitting to your offence and saying sorry gets you much further than trying to justify it and claiming that the admins had no right to ban you.

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A tip man just say sorry rather than trying to justify your actions, in most aspects of life you have to deal with people and by just admitting to your offence and saying sorry gets you much further than trying to justify it and claiming that the admins had no right to ban you.
Ofc i am sorry for what i did but im also annoyed for being banned, but ye i am sorry.

When an admin bans you they do not have to have a reason... 

This is an old topic so i am locking, if you want to rediscuss please open a new thread.

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