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Banned for VDM /BreakingRP (Denied)

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Anil Patel

Your In-game name:


Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:

16:00 06/07/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

3E) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice 3A) VDM - Vehicle Death Match Definition:

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

The VDM incident,  I drove over someone by accident, I spoke it through with him on teamspeak (name was snake) and he said to me that he does not want conpensation afterI told him the amount I have in the bank. The failrp, the guy clearly chopshopped my friends car so i asked him why he did it and that it was unfair/failrp and that my friend will now kill him as it was his car. Im sorry about this... Just had a bad day, the rules broken weren't intentional.

Another note  is that i offered snake compensation but he didnt actually want it, i did offer him 100k to cover his guns

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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I banned you for saying in-game "I will get you banned Im recording this", and just a few minutes before you drove someone over in Agios, who was not Snake. Afterwards you messaged me on TS, where I said we don't deal with unbans on there, and I didn't wanna move you up in our channel. You then said "screenshot and will be part of my report"... Where is this report you were threatening with?

Exactly like it says on TS; "Admins are not available on TS unless there is a hacker or a teamspeak issue". If I would have had the time, I might have dragged you up just to be nice but I didnt. The fact you already was warned by Crumlbe and still broke RP and VDMed doesn't make the situation any better does it?

Warned and banned by crumble for restrain glitching but i didnt know it existed? what he said on the appeal???

If you saw the video, the VDM was an accident, if you are on about the guy in the middle of agios i was driving my car, he stopped in the middle of the road. If you can provide video evidence I'd like to see it as I clearly did it by accident, or couldnt stop or i would have blown up and killed 4 people.

I don't need to provide video evidence. Also, what made me ban you is not the VDM, cause i decided to give you one more chance, but the breaking of RP. Any excuses for that?

Brat don't answer any more questions mate. I'll deal with this later. 

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Listen, im sorry. I didn't mean the vdm. I was just angry cause my hemmt got chop shopped, then when the offroader got chop shopped i just reached my limit and got angry so i decided to break rp to get angry. # sorry for that. I'll wait for  a resoponse and I'm sorry for what happened.

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Player was banned before and unbanned here.

As per our rules you only get one chance here.


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