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BBC Altis: The Further Reach Of Budget Cuts

Sam Seeley

Well-known member
This is the first report part of a special series about the affect of budget cuts from the UK Government on Altis. Our first report focuses on The NHS's lack of resources On Altis. Photo and Article by Sam Seeley 

Kavala Hospital


The NHS do a wonderful job here on Altis a island ripe with gun crime and general chaos. but sadly as I made my way to Kavala Hospital It seemed the budget cuts have affected it in a dramatic way as when I entered the hospital building there was only one staff member. It seems that he is known as Bob. When I stepped through the sliding doors the poor condition of the hospital hit me right away. Apart from the walls looking a bit rusty I was shocked by the lack of equipment on offer to the doctors,I was unable also to see any rooms for doctors to see patients. I then made the decision to confront the only member of staff about the obvious lack of staff, and the most unexpected thing was he didn't say much. And then I left confused about the situation. What made this even more shocking is that I have heard about operations and other things done in this specific hospital perhaps the budget cuts have forced Altis's NHS to sell off the equipment.

The BBC have not yet requested a statement from the NHS or the government


Please tell me what you think :)  

