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Ben Dennison (Action: Ban Issued 26/03/2015)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Ben Dennison
Time & Date this happened:
21:30 20/3/15
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
Attempted to rob me, was killed by my friends, combat logged. Also killed in green zone multiple times, but no evidence of that.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Combat logging.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Attempted to.. then he shot someone in the green zone.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)


I saw him threatning too shoot people earlier in the green zone, though never saw him shoot (some hours ago) , seemed unaware of rules.

Not sure what to say, didn't instantly log from server when killed waited and then disconnected, also as far as i remember i didn't kill in the green zone but i did take out some wheels on a stolen quad (can expand on this story if needed)

Not sure what to say, didn't instantly log from server when killed waited and then disconnected, also as far as i remember i didn't kill in the green zone but i did take out some wheels on a stolen quad (can expand on this story if needed)
Wasn't going to report you, but after witnessing you constantly robbing in green zones, executing some guy that was restrained by a cop outside the Kavala bar, and you starting a gunfight in the middle of Kavala against some hobo's with pistols.. I don't see you as a positive addition to this community and this server.

Wasn't going to report you, but after witnessing you constantly robbing in green zones, executing some guy that was restrained by a cop outside the Kavala bar, and you starting a gunfight in the middle of Kavala against some hobo's with pistols.. I don't see you as a positive addition to this community and this server.
yeah agree was some poor play on my behalf, however i didn't rob anyone.

I have the video of you abducting poor Felix Thunderbaby in the greenzone. You weren't the one ziptieing but you did kidnap him from a greenzone. 

Barry the Chopper should be banned too, for ziptieng poor little Felix Thunderbaby.

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Wtf? What is wrong with ziptying someone who pointed a gun in my ( and everyone else's) face and tried to rob someone in greenzone? And i messaged the cops letting them know what was happening... and you think i should get a ban for that? Nice logic...

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Wtf? What is wrong with ziptying someone who pointed a gun in my ( and everyone else's) face and tried to rob someone in greenzone? And i messaged the cops letting them know what was happening... and you think i should get a ban for that? Nice logic...
The first thing that is wrong with it is that its a greenzone, you are not allowed to rob, ziptie kill or murder anyone. Second thing, is that he was an unarmed hobo, clearly shown in the video... 

All you have done is upload a (0:07) second video during which he had been restrained and seemed to be doing nothing wrong... why not upload everything leading up to him being restrained and after? Also if you recorded the entire event upload the retard who was running back and forth saying that they were a high level police officer and admin and that everyone was going to get banned while you are at it.

If your are trying to get me banned for helping someone restrain a robber in green zone then the robber should get a ban as well...

My choices were restrain someone who tried to rob me and other randoms in green zone earlier and call the cops (The choice I made) or stand around in green zone watching and waiting for the armed hobo to shoot someone and hope it wasn't me.  

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I don't understand why you're lying. Feel free to make any comments i guess. Either way i believe you and your friend should be banned for being general nuisances to the server. 

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Who are you accusing of lying? Post the rest of the video so everyone can see that it was your friend breaking the rules and being a nuisance. And start acting your age not like a child , if you didn't like me restraining your friend then that's tough but it was better than me shooting back at him in the green zone. People like you and PC Reece ruin the game for other people because when you people don't like something you go way overboard... (trying to get me banned for something so petty) Even the guy i restrained (Felix Thunderbaby) kept RPing and didn't have a problem with it nor did the cops.

Who are you accusing of lying? Post the rest of the video so everyone can see that it was your friend breaking the rules and being a nuisance. And start acting your age not like a child , if you didn't like me restraining your friend then that's tough but it was better than me shooting back at him in the green zone. People like you and PC Reece ruin the game for other people because when you people don't like something you go way overboard... (trying to get me banned for something so petty) Even the guy i restrained (Felix Thunderbaby) kept RPing and didn't have a problem with it nor did the cops.
I think you have gotten something wrong here. What does PC Reece have to do with this? At all? And Felix Thunderbaby IS DI Liquid... Fairly sure he did have a problem. Also, at no point was there any cops involved in this incident.. are you sure you are talking about the same incident we are reporting here? You seem confused..

I'm not confused but if Di Liquid is Felix Thunderbaby it makes a whole lot more sense to me now as to why you would show such a tiny clip of what happened and also not show him doing anything wrong. Like I said upload the entire incident and the events before and after me restraining him.As for the cops I sent a text message to one of them asking if I could restrain the armed hobo.

I'm not going to waste more time back and forthing with either of you any longer, like I said multiple times upload the entire incident (Don't cut out anything) and then let an admin decide. I'm pretty sure if I get a ban for restraining the hobo that tried to rob me then that hobo should get a ban aswell.

And as Di Liquid is entitled to his opinion of (Believing I should be banned for being a nuisance) My opinion is that the few people like you make the server a toxic place, you think you can break the rules and then when someone does something you don't like just hop on the forum and get them banned. I mean I've made mistakes but they have all been resolved either by a person making me aware that my actions were wrong or that I must proceed to do things in a certain way however people with child like mentalities like you don't try to resolve any issue's, if you don't like something you just try to ban them.

If I am in the wrong for ziptieng Liquid then he is definitely in the wrong for running around with a gun and attempting to rob people...

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Firstly I'm sorry you've been caught in the crossfire of a ban request, I suppose for you it was a wrong place wrong time. The role play leading up to the abduction etc was all good. It was the combat logging that wound me up and seeing him (Ben) robbing people in the green zone and shooting a restrained civilian which made me report him. Regarding the accusations of robbery; I was unarmed and wasn't robbing anyone. I genuinely believe you've mistaken me for someone else. Being in the police means I can not do illegal activities as a civilian or I would be removed from the police. And in the position I'm in within the police force I wouldn't risk losing that. I don't like getting people banned, I don't even know who you are, this ban was for Ben Dennison as he combat logged multiple times and was being a general nuisance, and someone like that shouldn't be in this server.

I'm sure restraining someone within a green zone is a bannable offence whatever the situation but I'm not 100% so I couldn't call it. I'm going to let the admins read this shit storm and let them make their decision. As long as Ben is banned I'm happy, you on the other hand, I couldn't care less.

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I know i am not supposed to post here, but Liquid, it's a report, not a ban request. And you talk like you are an admin or somthing by saying this is his ban etc? Not to be a dick or anything, but this kind of behavior upsets me

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