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best way to get .....SKILL POINTS


i wanted to get all my skill points, while also doing it the quickest way possible. does anyone have any ideas?

any form of mining activity/processing activity will build it up. Pick a profession, get processing.

Salt and diamonds seem to work very well for accumulating skill points. Goodluck!

Cider, is by far the quickest, it's how I earned mine, I tried mining, but took way too long, whereas ciders is extremely quick!

I agree with @Phalanx and @Kalon Cider runs are really fast and you actually make some money too, you get 40xp for every 80 apples (they just weigh 1 y menu inventory slot, so a hemmt can take 800, a tempest 600 etc.) and the run is a lot more relaxing and fun than the constant menu navigating that is mining. 

Thanks for all the replys :)  helped me, i now have all the skill points. I tried salt but a very happy camper managed  too take my truck before i could process IT ???? . So i decided to do Apples . IT was alot of fun Watching hobos come with trucks ANd cars beeing scared off my weapon ANd the chance  of beeing robbed. Instead i swaped processed Apples with unprocessed Apples. Saved them time :)  . 

Mine diamonds fuck processing and sell to hobos on the streets of Kavala " Ez profit :D
