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Blackmarket house

Mr black clock

Well-known member
Bournemouth uk
selling blackmarket house its 230m from the blackmarket can take two storage boxes is a two room house good location no ones ever broken into it buy it now price 3million seeing as there are no houses available at the blackmarket will only sell if price is right.


download (1).jpg

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Like it says im considering selling it so wanting offers if the price is high enough ill sell or start the bidding 

Nope iv had this house for ages mate n no pictures at the mo will take some later tonight if im online 

Theres no set end as it says only sell if price is right at the end of the day there are no houses available near the blackmarket.

3 mil quick buy right now
Sorry someone sent private message to me 13 hours ago offering 3.2 mil so its sold if there any problem with the sell it will go to you.

If a guy posted 13hours ago and I put in a quick buy 16hours ago how can he get the offer then
It was 13 hours ago when i seen the msg he sent it two hours before your comment like i said if there's any problem with the sell i will contact you straight away if your still interested 
