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Blindfolding someone who is incapacitated/down to stop meta gaming.


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary:

Being able to put a blindfold on someone who is not just with their hands up or zip tied but also someone who is down.

Detailed Suggestion:

Gang A & Gang B are at war, Gang A manages to capture a member of Gang B, Gang B does radio it in and gets into a fight and goes down but its to late and is gonna be getting taken to a dodgy doctors at the minute a lot of people I feel like seem to meta game dodgy doctors  based on the fact of their excuse "well we just went and checked all the dodgy spots" or "its common to be here" when they could be streaming in their discord or telling a friend to get that advantage 

The Pros:

This would stop meta gaming a bit more in my opinion in terms of these types of conflicts
makes it a bit more realistic as well as you would be able to blindfold someone and them being down shouldn't take away that ability

The Cons:

Might be abused for Randoms just getting blindfolded all the time when down 

Could be very boring for the other party just having a black screen

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Metagaming is one of those things that is against the rules but is incredibly hard to prove. Its one of those you have to design out such as this suggestion. +1

I could see it being quite useful (if someone carries a blindfold on them) but as you mentioned as a con, it can become quite boring just having a black screen. I've been blindfolded in the past just normally and its quite boring, so having a black screen and just waiting for a timer to go down would just add to it, but outside of that, it could be quite good for roleplay and to fight against metagaming. its really a 50/50 personally.

This has been done for a future update :) 
