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Bokoen RDM (Rejected - No Evidence)

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SPC Rick Mason

Active member
Istanbul & NYC
Name of the person I am reporting: Bokoen

Time & Date: 11/03/2015 around 2:30AM

Which Server: Server #1

Description: While we were on duty and patrolling in RTU, SPC Mike Foxtrot, PCSO Tom Hagen and I (PCSO Rick Mason) were responding to a call about an armed robbery at the Lakka Service Station. We arrived at the scene and Bokoen immediately opened fire on us with his associates, killing SPC Mike Foxtrot and me. There was no RP initiated at all and it was a clear RDM.

Which Rule Was Broken: RDM

Have You Tried To Resolve With The Player: Didn't even bother to talk to RDMers

Evidence: rendering video at the moment

Note: Sorry for the bad quality and long video, you may start watching after 19:00.

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I have a prepared statement if this goes any further, plus a video that will show my innocence and attempt to RP.

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