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Bounty hunters.


Well-known member
The Netherlands / Weedland / The Go Kart Track
So myself, Xerone (Henry Kartman) and PhoeniX decided to become bounty hunters. Just to check it out and look at Altis life from a different perspective. Yet in our first day we already encountered quite a lot of problems that I'd like to get cleared up before things go wrong.

1. How are we supposed to defend our selves against criminals without a bounty? Seeing as the ''tazer'' can only take people down with a bounty.

2. How can you properly  RP it, so that it is possible to track someone down, yet you don't metagame?

3. When you get a tip and you find ONE guy in a town are  you allowed to just go in on him? Seeing as ... well... he's the only guy there and you just got a tip that the person with the bounty is in that specific town.

4. Are you allowed to help the Police in fire fights, even with a Rook? Seeing as you can't hurt criminals with a tazer when they don't have a bounty.

That's it, for now :)

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I agree bounty hunting right now doesnt work properly.. It is such great way to play game different but current restrictions are way too unreal... You should be able simply arrest anyone with bounty unless they wear a mask...  In real life you get picture and if you see that guys face u dont go up to him and ask are you Boris?

Lots of restrictions need to be lifted off... For now it remains broken...

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There are a lot of things wrong with bounty hunting at the moment. From what I've heard, they are working on it.

I became bounty hunter myself a couple of days ago, and had a chat with one of the admins.

For you to be able to arrest someone, they have to give you their name. Walking straight up to a wanted person and askink his name is a bit suspicious, so go around and maybe ask citizens if they've seen a guy named <insert bad guy name here>. As a bounty hunter you're not law enforcers, and should stay out of the way of the cops. If you see someone trying to lockpick a car, you should not try to stop him, unless its your own car. Just call the cops. But if you see him lockpick the car, you can go back to the HQ, roleplay getting an updated bounty list, and then go back to the place where you saw him and ask him if his name is <insert bad guy name here>

I agree, the rules are not too good, but this is how they work for now.

Yea.. But I don't get the point of asking people. It's very unlikely that the persons you ask have spoken with the "bad guy".

And when you walk up and actually find the bad guy, he can just lie and say he has another name, and we can't do anything.

Asking for an ID card is suspicious, and asking random people will just lead to someone meta gaming, and gives us his location because they saw his name.

I became bounty hunter myself a couple of days ago, and had a chat with one of the admins.

For you to be able to arrest someone, they have to give you their name. Walking straight up to a wanted person and askink his name is a bit suspicious, so go around and maybe ask citizens if they've seen a guy named <insert bad guy name here>. As a bounty hunter you're not law enforcers, and should stay out of the way of the cops. If you see someone trying to lockpick a car, you should not try to stop him, unless its your own car. Just call the cops. But if you see him lockpick the car, you can go back to the HQ, roleplay getting an updated bounty list, and then go back to the place where you saw him and ask him if his name is <insert bad guy name here>

I agree, the rules are not too good, but this is how they work for now.
Your example of the car.

Once lockpicking a car you KNOW the player's going to get a bounty. Isn't that exactly why you want to arrest him?

Your example of the car.

Once lockpicking a car you KNOW the player's going to get a bounty. Isn't that exactly why you want to arrest him?
Thats not what he said, he said you had to go back to the HQ, and roleplay getting the new "list" of people with a bounty on them.

Why'd you have to go back to the HQ for that though? Is that the only way to RP an updated list? I doubt it.

I'd rather go back to my car or anything... I mean, there's one HQ and it isn't quite likely that the lockpick happends near it.
