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Bus Driver Job Role


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
64 Zoo Lane
Apon making a new character and starting from scratch again ive noticed there are not that many jobs for people to do its mainly taxi driving and mechanic, i thought of the idea of becoming a bus driver in the city where there can be differnt services of buses for example you could have a city bus servies wich operates in the city, you could also have a airport bus service wich can operate in and around the airport you could have  coach service wich could be taking passangers up to paleto or sandy on long distances. as well as a open top tour bus where you drive around all the most famous spots within the mapm. In this idea it would also be a perfect oppertunity to add british busses aswell for example 

Airport bus: Heathrow shuttle bus 

City Bus The famous red london buses 

Coach either the National Express or Megabus busses 

Tour Bus The red open top  busses 

There is also a bus depot in the city just bellow pillbox that could be added with a departures lounge and where the bus drivers get there bus from and select the route they want to go.

The routes could work kinda like how the taxi one works but just need to stop at bus stops in the city or where ever and collect and drop off passangers, the payment would also be done by passanger on the bus or for the length of the journy. 

With taking a bus out you could have to pay a 5k-10k damage deposit so if you dont return your bus to the company then you lose your deposit but if you bring it back you can retrive your deposit back and hopefully it could prevent alot  of busses being left around the city 


New jobs 

Possibly more RP situations if people try take the bus 

New Vehcials 


Dev work

Alot of busses could be left around the city 

Daniel Brown 

bus station.png

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If they went back to the greyhound depot (just up from mrpd) then you could incentivise people to return the bus for an extra £5k or something, or a rental fee and then return the deposit this might help. Alternately just make the buses despawn faster than "personal" vehicles? if this is a possibility? i dont know. 

either way would love to see a bus driver in the city for a change. its a pain in the ass sometimes waiting for taxis when you could get a bus to places. 

I think this is a great idea. Payment should be upon arrival at each bus stop via a mission GPS, players who enter are charged based on the length of time they stay on the bus perhaps or just make it free? Bus drivers should have to remain at a bus stop though for 10 seconds in order to receive payment otherwise they'll just be racing never actually doing their job, just getting paid. Great suggestion though and sounds simpler to make dev wise. We need more civilian jobs definitely. +1

I recommend changing the title of the suggestion to something like: "Bus Driver Role" so the community is more likely to read and upvote your suggestion.

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Class idea, therefore fat +1

However as stated here

I think this is a great idea. Payment should be upon arrival at each bus stop via a mission GPS, players who enter are charged based on the length of time they stay on the bus perhaps or just make it free? Bus drivers should have to remain at a bus stop though for 10 seconds in order to receive payment otherwise they'll just be racing never actually doing their job, just getting paid. Great suggestion though and sounds simpler to make dev wise. We need more civilian jobs definitely. +1

I recommend changing the title of the suggestion to something like: "Bus Driver Role" so the community is more likely to read and upvote your suggestion.
You should probably change the title to maximise the potential reach of the community!

also why cant we use the alreadyvther ebus depot by the airport. Otherwise its more clutter to pillbox what is already bad
