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can people help me.

Cj Collings

Active member
United Kingdom
hello my in game name is Douch Nozzel its a stupid name I know but if its easier call me jack so what I'm asking for help is I have 3 disabilities I have autism AD-HD and tics is a form of Tourette’s so I cant do much really I have like um its hard for me to communicate irl if its in game its fine I'm very angry at my self because well put it this way my dad is my love of my life and he is very ill at times he has a very bad head he must have had  a least 20 operations and I hate it when he goes in to hospital we almost lost him to his illness and that makes me very sad I got so mad at times and sad I beat my head to try to knock myself out or really hurt myself I have cut myself many times I get very depressed and down like I hate myself school is hard when my dad is in hospital and I play arma because it helps me be stable like not angry so I play roleplay uk because it is a great community and there is very helpful people so I need help getting a black fish I'm 50 million unless sales will be on so probs 25mil  away from it I have wanted one of these vtols for ages because I said to myself I would get one of these to lets say keep my calm and happy and that it would so I cant do many runs because I get very angry because I have a lot of things going on in my head I can do them but its a struggle and I want a vtol to like I said to keep me happy and cheer me up so I really need help from this community please could you help it would make my dream come true to own a vtol to help other people please could you help from jack thanks for reading guys.

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How will the vtol make you happy though do? Do you mean because it's easier and faster?

Maybe you could try and win server events if you ever heard about them? They are significantly less time consuming then runs and reap high rewards

because its my dream to own one because ever since I saw it I was like I need one of those and no its not because its easier it because I want to do some runs in it and enjoy it I don't just want it say like ohh right gonna get it because it will make things easier I want it so like I said to enjoy the time I have with it and help other people with it and do runs in it like I said before

I'm not that good at server events and I want other people to enjoy them

no I did a unban appeal for a friend an admin said to make my friend one because my friend could not make one

It's not that big a deal not owning a blackfish, for example I've played here 1.5 years and I still don't have one, hell I haven't ever even flown one. 

Also wouldn't you feel more satisfied if you were to earn the money by yourself? I mean think about it this way. It's much more fun to acquire the materials for diamond tools than just spawn them in. It's  the journey to the diamond tools/blackfish that is fun, more specifically the grind. We humans put voluntary obstacles in the way of our goals for the sake of entertainment and sometimes sportsmanship.

In regards to your mental disabilities I will tell you not to worry too much. Research has shown that things like autism and ADHD get significantly less severe with age. I've myself seen many examples of this.

So stay happy, stay patient, keep putting obstacles in your way and overcome them.

Please buy him a blackfish because i would love to see his face when i scrap it ! 
