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Cannot access server due to a number in my username


New member
So, after a week off the server I just tried to join altislife.co.uk and I get the same kick message. It seems I cannot join because I have a number in my username (DANGERW1LL). I've always had this username, forever. It's always had the number 1 in place of the I and have never come across this before on arma 3, steam, origin or any other game, server or client.

Is this a bug or what?

We have always had filters that block numbers as its usually abused with people that just have numeric names... its a killer when it comes to roleplay, unfortunately people like yourself don't benefit from this.

I'm unsure when I first started using altislife.co.uk servers, maybe 2 months along with a growing number friends, but I've never been kicked for this. I can still access the king of the hill server. I may have to chnage my name I guess.

I have amended this, you should be now able to use at least 1 number in your name

would it be to much to ask to make it 3 numbers cuz i would really like to use the name i always used aswell (ALCATRAZ126)

'its a killer when it comes to roleplay''
 Roleplay wise you could better go with the name you have been using upto now. Any names with a number in it, aren't really proper roleplay names if you ask me.. Then you'd get these people with names like; IAmTheBest76546 whatever. Kills the roleplay, as it is a total unrealistic name. I think even one number is too much, but can't argue with the boss lol. If you need numbers, like you have your fathers name, just use Roman/Latin numerals and do II or IV. Or in your case, AlcatrazCXXVI

Numbers.... roleplay isnt so good.... 

Database names with numbers in always a bit iffy, i know we have had sync problems with brackets in the past...

In a ideal world everyone would have Mr. Firstname - Lastname as there names on the server :)

Numbers.... roleplay isnt so good.... 

Database names with numbers in always a bit iffy, i know we have had sync problems with brackets in the past...

In a ideal world everyone would have Mr. Firstname - Lastname as there names on the server :)
Yeah agreed, maybe one day you can make this a server rule lol. It would be epic for the roleplay, people could marry (change last name), adopt children etc.. I'd love it. Hell, if my name won't be to long I will make up a last name later today when I play =D.

Yeah agreed, maybe one day you can make this a server rule lol. It would be epic for the roleplay, people could marry (change last name), adopt children etc.. I'd love it. Hell, if my name won't be to long I will make up a last name later today when I play =D.
That's not actually as far fetched as it sounds. There have been maby 3 fake marriages in game before in the last 6 months. 2 canceled due to equally fake,but funny love triangles and one recorded police one somewhere.


Ah, the tale of Foz's unholy martimony.. What a weekend that was!

Thanks for that. I understand why you're against having numbers in the roleplay environment but in my case the number is never actually pronounced. Unlike having a string of numbers after a name.

Also doesn't the server automatically make players with the same name have a number against their name?

If 2 daves joined the second would be named Dave(2).

I always tell the piggies that my name is puppy :) Some kept saying: "No, thats not true. It says Puppy1004 on your ID." But that wont be happening anymore :(

Oh I remember back in the days when I went as simpan105 on the server and have always gone by the name of simpan105 for atleast 8-9 years now hehe and then it got changed so I could not have it so I RP played it with some civs and cops that someone had stolen my identity and wont let me have it back again :p
