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can't connect

James Hunt

Well-known member
Hey today the server has been crashing alot and now i cant join the server i can find the server, but i cant join it says " connecting failed" and i cant find the server when i try " Remote " 

Anyone that can help :D

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Few of us Scandinavians are haveing this problem as well.

It seems to have something to do with Source Ports or something, maybe we can get this cleared up again from Wilco or Ciaran.

Yeah i have the same problem! I have validated the game files and deleted the multiplayer mission files. Still wont work.

Anyone know how to solve the problem?
Correct me if I am wrong but the server has been encountering some crashes over the past couple of days. Wilco is aware of this and will try to sort it out with Ciaran (and Ed?).

The "connecting failed" could be a source port block due to the mitigation from the provider and I don't think there is much Wilco can do about this.

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I had this problem, I just restarted Arma and didn't use the ALUK launcher. Used normal arma exe with no parameters enabled.

Ok We found solution for this problem. I had to disable paraments that I lunched game with. Hope it will work for you :3
