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Captcha Code Every 5-10 Mins

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Some country's we receive website targetted attacks more from than others

Do you have a static IP ?

I don't think so, but just in case how do I check that?

I Have completely forgot about this, and yes I have a static IP but for obvious reasons I wont post it here but I can PM it to you privately via TS or something?

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@PC Wolf We both live in the same country, and I have to do this Captcha Code crap as well. So I am guessing it has something to do with that. When I went to the US, I never had to put in any Captcha code. 

All done, let me know if its now working for you ?

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@Wilco Alright, no problem. I recall this issue from when I was attempting to host my own server (for minecraft) for friends. Thanks for your help anyways. :)  

after 3 days of working it has gone back to the captcha code </3

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