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car boosting idea


i have a suggestion for the city, i propose that boosting cars should be added to the city, 

to boost cars you should need a lap top and a usb dongle that should cost a substantial price and this should deplete over time or per use, this should encourage spending more money in the city due to having to buy the equipment, you should need to use the laptop which will open up and have a boosted app on it which you should log onto and have to wait for cars to be available, once a car becomes avalible the players wil have to go to a general area and have to find the car with only a licence plate number so there not to easy to find the cars should be any type of car but should get better with the more boosts you do so i think there should be a levelling system to it. you should need lock picks to get into the cars, once you have successfully got into the car there should be a place to marked on the map for drop off then leave the area to complete the boost.

cops should get a notification and a point on the map iver once the pick locking of the car is complete or once a serton  time have been reached to allow police to stop them or chase them and allow for the player to get away if they perform the pick quick enough, increasing the hardness of the lock depending on the car will probably be a good idea too, and give less time before cops get notified too. this should give the cops more work to do and give people playing interactions they may never have had before, 

the pay out for these should be iver cash or some sort of crypto, if crypto this gives the start to a new economy for the city that can only be got through boosting, meaning you could add upgrades to cars  that can only be brought with the new currency giving people more of a reason to boost cars and get the money, the money should not be able to be got anyother way there for also encouraging people to boost.

i also believe that people should be able to keep the cars if they wish obviously they wont get paided for them abut to keep them they should change like the plates or vinscrach them, i know that this might not be good for auto shop owners. so i would suggest that if there were to be bootable super cars per say then they should not be the same as the import cars there for the import bissness should not be affected too much. if you were to add this and give super cars at a certain level then there should only be a limited amount of the available like every month there for the cars will be rare and will also give players an objective to strive towards, if players were to keep a car the car should be hot and if the police see them on the streets then they should have the power to arrest and impound/crush the car which will also help keep the amount of the cars down on the street.

high end cars should also be fitted with tracking devices that players should have to hack to get stop the tracker this will mean that people will have to work together to get the cars and bring good rp to the city, it would encourage encounters with people and encourage people to work as part of a team 

it is the idea from nopixel but i thought it would be fun for the player base and give the dev teams more flexibility with adding more stuff to the city

Would be better as a shared laptop somewhere that players have to find - at least creating a little RP with other players before stealing the car. People would discuss location, plus see each other at the location etc…
