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Chop Shop


Well-known member
Hello, I was wondering now that chop shops seem to have been added back into the game, if you can scrap Helicopters at them?

If you can then I might not bother getting any of the expensive ones, as  it's takes me ages to get the money together.

Does anyone know what you can scrap?

Yes you can scrap helicopters.

If you want to scrap a car, heli or something else you simple just take them to the chop shop, place them on the marked circle with a cross inside it, and go to the laptop and select scrap vehicle, select the wanted vehicle to scrap and press scrap or sell or what ever it says can't remember.

You can't scrap hurons though..right?
I dont wanna get battle eye kicked and have some hobo chopping my huron for 5k ;c

Yes you can scrap helicopters.

If you want to scrap a car, heli or something else you simple just take them to the chop shop, place them on the marked circle with a cross inside it, and go to the laptop and select scrap vehicle, select the wanted vehicle to scrap and press scrap or sell or what ever it says can't remember.
Do you know if you can scrap all Helicopters?

I believe yes, but i'm not 100% sure if you can scrap all helicopters, try it out man ;) Go make someone rly pissed ;-)

I take it you can scrap stolen cars? I'd like to return to my role as a car thief. Gone In 60 Seconds style.
Not even worth scrapping peoples stuff, making 5k from scrapping someones car that cost 250k is a massive dick move. You may as well go do a weed run and make over 200 times what you would make from scrapping a car.

Not even worth scrapping peoples stuff, making 5k from scrapping someones car that cost 250k is a massive dick move. You may as well go do a weed run and make over 200 times what you would make from scrapping a car.
but its all about the tears.

but its all about the tears.

I have scrapped everything, from quad bikes to hemmt box trucks...not because I have to...But because I can.
Most of the times it were Trucks that are abandoned, when I rob someone I tend to use the truck or just steal what's inside and than I or ditch it or even give it back.

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IIRC in the previous Chop Shop you couldnt scrap Hellcats, Hurons or Mohawks. Though this may have changed with their re-introduction.

Hellcats - Safe

Hurons - Safe

Mohawks - Scraptastic

Hummingbird - Scraptastic

Orca - Scraptastic


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I've confirmed you can scrap the following helicopters:

Mohawk - 225K 

You cannot scrap:


Good, I wont fly much with my mohawk now, hellcat all the way! =)
To be fair it's very hard to land it, I used admin trickery to test it out. The mohawk rotors  will hit the nearby building and break, so you need to be a crack shot and hope it doesnt blow.

To be fair it's very hard to land it, I used admin trickery to test it out. The mohawk rotors  will hit the nearby building and break, so you need to be a crack shot and hope it doesnt blow.
Great =) Usually dont use my mohawk much anyway tho, only to do iron/diamonds now a days.
