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CoC - 6 Month Policy Change


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Chambers of Commerce have a 6 month policy where you must stay away from certain crimes.

On your criminal record if you've been charged for the following crimes listed below then you're not able to buy a business and will have to stay clean for 6 months.

  • Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm (Section 18 Offences Against the Person Act 1861)
  • Murder and Attempted Murder
  • Possession of a firearm or imitation firearm with intent to cause fear or violence (Section 16A Firearms Act 1968)
  • Death by dangerous driving (Section 1 Road Traffic Act 1988)
  • Terrorism
  • Fraud

I personally feel as though 6 months is ridiculous considering it has not even been 6 months since the changes and the implementation of this new systems been introduced, this means that people are being punished for rules that they had no idea existed which  doesnt make sense. In other words punishing players prior to this change. 

I think a good change would perhaps be reducing this policy to 3 months or something more reasonable so its fair for everyone, perhaps they can even revert back to the 6 month policy ONCE this change has been around for 6 months.

CoC have released an announcement regarding the indictable crimes on the 8th of April 2023

I would like there to be atleast 7 - 14 days for everyone to read and understand these changes so it allows everyone to familiarize themselves with such a change, then eventually implement their strict 6 months policy after, meaning 15th of October 2023 - 22nd of October 2023 would allow enough time and create a better balance within the server making it more fair for people.

CoC taking over is a big change in the business aspect of the server and I see it as a wake up call for those who want to leave a certain lifestyle but are being punished for changes they had no idea about.


Balance and Opportunity.


Players are being punished for changes they had no idea about and are being hit with a 6 month policy. 

Would like to hear what people think and if this makes sense, please keep this suggestion/thread on topic.

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this already got suggested once and was denied by myself.

the current policy is here to stay at this point in time, the possibility of it changing is next to none

this already got suggested once and was denied by myself.

the current policy is here to stay at this point in time, the possibility of it changing is next to none
Did you even read my suggestion before comparing it to that guys, my main point is that its unfair due to the system not being out for 6 months so adding a 6 month clean policy defeats the purpose of allowing players to have a change in lifestyle in other words you're punishing people for crimes they've done before this change.


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Personally I feel that 6 months is harsh. Whilst I can definitely see the reasoning both in RP and out of RP, still feels like an extremely long time for someone to wait considering it’s a video game. 

There is VERY few ways for people not in gangs to make decent money which doesn’t involve a 8 hour point and click adventure in the mines, and the small amount of shops is an issue in of itself which is something else I hope will be amended soon. 

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this already got suggested once and was denied by myself.

the current policy is here to stay at this point in time, the possibility of it changing is next to none
Spot on, this does not warrant any changes at this time.

The explanation has been given already many times before thus these threads don't have a purpose for that reason.

But thats my 2 cents

Spot on, this does not warrant any changes at this time.

The explanation has been given already many times before thus these threads don't have a purpose for that reason.

But thats my 2 cents
I'd value your 2 cents if you actually made a point with all due respect.

Why does it not warrant a change?

You're referring to a reply that I've already replied to and explained the difference between those two suggestions.

I def like the rule. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes . 
However, as you're explaining it, you had a business, did something stupid while having it, but while there was no rules about it?
And THEN came the rule, and it's sort of pulling reverse? 

If that ^Is the case then I 100% agree with you.
You shouldnt get punished for a rule that wasn't in place at the time. 

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Nah, -1 sorry SK, but you can't have it both ways, businesses should be owned by legitimate clean people, you're lucky to be able to own one with a record at all.

Though there are some aspects of the CoC's policy towards business that I dislike, this one makes sense. If you have an outstanding record, then a 6 month period to prove you're dedicated to the legal life makes sense. I believe there's a similar policy for being a solicitor, where you can be clean for 6 months then become a solicitor.

How I understood the policy, was that current shop owners wouldn't be punished for outstanding crimes. But a player trying to purchase a business had to be 6 months clear of certain offences. 

Either Don't be a crim or be a smarter crim and don't get caught. 

The legal businesses are meant to be just that. Legal entities.

Lets get into this, CoC great thing to have on the server, Crims committing Crimes Lose a 30 mill business not good, now at the end of the day its a RP server not real life there is a fine balance, now in saying that using that business for getaway tactic's or using said business for hiding guns etc. etc. fully understandable which would action a investigation into said business, MORE RP! in the long run not just "Oh you got arrested for having fun and engaging in gang activities, now you lost your business". in all seriousness how do you expect returning players to have fun and engage in these bank robberies, shop robberies etc. etc. without the fear of losing there business, I mean police are strong enough and crims lose 70-80% of the time regardless cause cops have everything to literally burry every crim on the server within 24hours. What do you want people to do create new characters just to have fun and engage in said Crim Update?, Its kinda dumb if you ask me, when the server is suppose to be fun for everyone not just people that are less than 6 months old that don't own anything or have any interest. Is it a really big deal if someone owns a business and there an active criminal no one does change it simple as. 

Its an RP Server NOT REAL! LIFE!

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Lets get into this, CoC great thing to have on the server, Crims committing Crimes Lose a 30 mill business not good, now at the end of the day its a RP server not real life there is a fine balance, now in saying that using that business for getaway tactic's or using said business for hiding guns etc. etc. fully understandable which would action a investigation into said business, MORE RP! in the long run not just "Oh you got arrested for having fun and engaging in gang activities, now you lost your business". in all seriousness how do you expect returning players to have fun and engage in these bank robberies, shop robberies etc. etc. without the fear of losing there business, I mean police are strong enough and crims lose 70-80% of the time regardless cause cops have everything to literally burry every crim on the server within 24hours. What do you want people to do create new characters just to have fun and engage in said Crim Update?, Its kinda dumb if you ask me, when the server is suppose to be fun for everyone not just people that are less than 6 months old that don't own anything or have any interest. Is it a really big deal if someone owns a business and there an active criminal no one does change it simple as. 

Its an RP Server NOT REAL! LIFE!

Agree with this to be honest, yeah I've heard everyone saying "4 character slots, use a different character" and all of that but practically that doesn't work. People have jobs and lifes etc... they aren't going to grind on a legal character to buy a business when they have a main character that they'd must prefer owning a business on. I feel like while there was obviously a reason for this change, it has taken the fun out of things for a lot of people that are involved in owning/running businesses as they are now worried about losing them so can't play the character the way they want to play. 

I feel like instead of a crime policy, the CoC should have targeted people who don't invest any time in their business. For example, (not trying to single anyone out) Bahama Mamas is a nightclub that just had a re-vamp, but when was the last time anyone seen regular events being run there? 

The CoC definitely have a place in the server, I believe that should be targeting inactive businesses and ensure any sales are fair. By that I mean fair price, smooth transaction etc... not disallowing people who RP as a criminal, or worse again taking the businesses off people who have already invested a lot of their time and characters money into. I think the only criminals would should be disallowed from owning businesses are ones that have been charged with serious fraud (scamming people etc...) honestly. I don't see how a gang member being caught carrying a pistol means they aren't deemed as fit to run a nightclub for example.

End of the day, it's a game and people are being punished (as their characters, yes I know) for roleplay a character they've had since long before this change came into effect. 

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Agree with this to be honest, yeah I've heard everyone saying "4 character slots, use a different character" and all of that but practically that doesn't work. People have jobs and lifes etc... they aren't going to grind on a legal character to buy a business when they have a main character that they'd must prefer owning a business on. I feel like while there was obviously a reason for this change, it has taken the fun out of things for a lot of people that are involved in owning/running businesses as they are now worried about losing them so can't play the character the way they want to play. 

I feel like instead of a crime policy, the CoC should have targeted people who don't invest any time in their business. For example, (not trying to single anyone out) Bahama Mamas is a nightclub that just had a re-vamp, but when was the last time anyone seen regular events being run there? 

The CoC definitely have a place in the server, I believe that should be targeting inactive businesses and ensure any sales are fair. By that I mean fair price, smooth transaction etc... not disallowing people who RP as a criminal, or worse again taking the businesses off people who have already invested a lot of their time and characters money into. I think the only criminals would should be disallowed from owning businesses are ones that have been charged with serious fraud (scamming people etc...) honestly. I don't see how a gang member being caught carrying a pistol means they aren't deemed as fit to run a nightclub for example.

End of the day, it's a game and people are being punished (as their characters, yes I know) for roleplay a character they've had since long before this change came into effect. 
When the change first came i thought it didnt make much sense either it should be crime involving the bussiness that should get your bussiness removed imo not every type of crime because you aren't a "outstanding member of the community" 😂but it is what it is.

There is plenty people that play crim characters that have RPed bussinesses better than non criminals suprisingly enough like for example Father, it would be a bit dumb imo to punish someone like him because he got caught with a gun even though he has RPed his bussiness brilantly.

Like is the same as basically removing all the Lost shops including the bike shop if lost get caught doing crime or removing tequila-la or Marabunta shop from both gangs when they are literaly in their safehouse like you can see the logic i am going with.

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When the change first came i thought it didnt make much sense either it should be crime involving the bussiness that should get your bussiness removed imo not every type of crime because you aren't a "outstanding member of the community" 😂but it is what it is.

There is plenty people that play crim characters that have RPed bussinesses better than non criminals suprisingly enough like for example Father, it would be a bit dumb imo to punish someone like him because he got caught with a gun even though he has RPed his bussiness brilantly.

Like is the same as basically removing all the Lost shops including the bike shop if lost get caught doing crime or removing tequila-la or Marabunta shop from both gangs when they are literaly in their safehouse like you can see the logic i am going with.
I personally think that’s stupid to be honest, taking businesses off people who roleplay with them very well just because they were arrested 2 months ago. I don’t know if I’m missing the point here, but just seems like it’d make more sense to target businesses that are inactive or the owners/employees don’t put the effort into. 

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Though there are some aspects of the CoC's policy towards business that I dislike, this one makes sense. If you have an outstanding record, then a 6 month period to prove you're dedicated to the legal life makes sense. I believe there's a similar policy for being a solicitor, where you can be clean for 6 months then become a solicitor.

How I understood the policy, was that current shop owners wouldn't be punished for outstanding crimes. But a player trying to purchase a business had to be 6 months clear of certain offences. 

Either Don't be a crim or be a smarter crim and don't get caught. 

The legal businesses are meant to be just that. Legal entities.
I'm not saying remove the 6 month period, I'm suggesting to allow this system to run for atleast 6 months so people cannot get hit with the policy for crimes they've commited before this change.

This is basically a temp change until the systems been running for 6 months.

Nah, -1 sorry SK, but you can't have it both ways, businesses should be owned by legitimate clean people, you're lucky to be able to own one with a record at all.
You do understand the 6 month policy isnt going away technically, just allowing time for the system to be out for 6 months so it doesnt punish people with existing crimes before this update.

Do you not believe that people who used to live the gang life can change?

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