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Combat log - '[TC] Calum..XD'

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Well-known member
Birmingham, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TC] Calum..XD

Time & Date this happened: 03/06/15 at around 21:20 UK time
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened: Me and Myles were driving up the road, when we came under fire from Calum..XD and one of his friends. They killed Myles as soon as he stepped out the truck, so I ran around to Calum..XD, and shot at him, but he was lagging, and then disconnected due to lag. I proceeded to fire back at his friend for around 5 minutes, whilst elsewhere Calum..XD had rejoined, spawned in Agios presumably, and come back round to shoot me.
I'm pretty sure this is classed as combat logging, as even though he disconnected unintentionally, he turned it to his advantage, as he knew I didn't know where he had gone, and he could sneak back around and kill me.
What Rule Was Broken?: 2E)[SIZE=medium] Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting.[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, I asked him to come on TS multiple times, via side-chat, to which he refused, asking us to report him instead.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: 

(Sorry for no sound, it didn't record it for some reason)
also he came back to carry on the role play, it was also a war zone which you should of been aware of

If he d.c during mid firefight, knowing full well it could be seen as combat logging he should of not returned.

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He was carrying on RolePlay when he DC'D. An plus that was a war zone be more aware of people coming up to you... Like that. In my opinion not a ban what so ever....!!!!!!!!


"You do know that he DC'd he wouldn't be running otherwise, he would of been stood still"

1: He lagged out. I already said that, and this isn't what i'm reporting him for, i'm reporting him because he spawned in Agios, knowing that I was still there, and came back round to kill me, therefore using the disconnect to his advantage.

"he also offered to comp you but you didn't reply"

2: When he offered to comp me, I asked him to come onto TS so we could sort it out on there instead of side-chat, to which he refused, and said 'Just go ahead and report me' or something like that

"also he came back to carry on the role play, it was also a war zone which you should of been aware of"

3: He didn't come back to carry on the role-play at all. While I was telling two civilians to get out of there, as to not get killed, he ran up to me and lit me up, without even attempting to speak to me at all. Also, I was well aware I was in a war-zone, I just wasn't aware that the guy that had just left the game had spawned in Agios and was on his way to kill me

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@hemo147 @Marsden504554 @meow

Y'all should NOT be responding here, in line with

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

@meow this is your THIRD time... Don't you learn?

@zRemix either supply the evidence or I will hide your post. Next time only reply when you are providing evidence.

Kind regards,

Khandamir, forum moderator

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