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Coming to a year since I last joined the server


Well-known member
Tredegar, South Wales
So it's been about a year since I last played on the server and I stumbled across some old clips from my times on the server so I thought I would come check out the 'ol gal and see how she was doing. 

Good to see some people/groups are still around while it's sad to see others gone but that is life I suppose over time things tend to become distant memories. I'm not really sure why I made this or if anyone even remembers who I am but take a seat kids and let me tell you the story of how my life got turned upside down. 

The month of December 2014 I started my new life on the island of Altis I was cold I was not so naked and I was afraid but mostly excited for what awaited me. My first night I spent a few hours picking and selling apples on foot just so I could buy a pistol and car. I was so happy when I got my first gun that I went to Kavala to show it off. The police didn't seem to like my new found happiness and tazed me and took me in for questioning. After my weapon was handed back to me and the confusion was settled I went off into the world to make a name for myself. 

A single week later I was running my very own salt mining business Mendoza Inc, It was hard work but it was honest work and that's where I was going wrong. The gangs of the island took advantage of my willingness to make an honest earning I tried to defend myself with my handgun but there wasn't much I could do against a gang of armed thugs. After a while things became bad for our company we struggled for money and couldn't afford to even feed ourselves with all our money going towards the local gangs. Such as TKC, TI, and others. 

The next day while heading through the checkpoint a UNMC soldier there gave me a word of advice that to this day sticks with me. "There aint no such thing as an honest living 'round here, the sooner you learn that the sooner you can start making a name for yourself" He pointed out a local black market warehouse on my map and told me if I wanted to keep myself safe that I should go there. We were no longer obeying the law. We weren't doing good anymore. We turned to the dark path of life. We soon moved from salt to meth and even supplying the UNMC with arms. We wern't just Mendoza Inc anymore were were the Mendoza cartel! Shipping firearms and narcotics. We turned into what we hated the most. 

We were making a name for ourselves, It wasn't a good name but it was a name none the less. It was going well until my faithful partner got shot on a routine job shipping out the drugs to the local dealers. I wasn't the same. I left the business and joined the UNMC to fight against those who had shot my partner. There I had many adventures from fighting the police in Kavala to checkpoint duty to patrolling the area we looked after. Shortly after I went to sleep but never to wake up on the island again. 

That pretty much sums up my 6-7 month journey of Altis Life it was fun and unforgettable and I've had some great experiences with some of the people here and wish everyone the best of luck in the future. May the server life long and prosper! Here's some videos of my favorite moments from the server! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khtUQGVLj8M
~MrSheep Aka Thomas(ingame) 

Welcome back sheep, i remember i saw a sheep dressed in unmc clothing back in the day.

You should head on the server and see how it has changed as well!
