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Community Beta - AltisLife.co.uk 3.1.4 Patch

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Would be my pleasure to test this with you. Some of my group will as well =)

I am really enjoying this server, so far I have made money here only, and I play a lot on it. I wanna try the beta version, I think it might be cool

I will help test, I will do everything in my power to break the server ;) (In a good way of course) 

I'd like to help. I always record stuff and like the idea of the gang houses etc so will happily go bug hunting. I'm phenomenal at finding a million ways to fuck things up :)

I've asked in this thread already but a week have went by and i still got nothing, so im asking again because im a pain in the ass.

not a regular pain in the ass but one that wants to play on the server.

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