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Community Leaders

Terry Ball

Well-known member
S.E England
Detailed Suggestion:

Probably been suggested before, but these should be people within the community, with experience playing a mixture of Cop/Crim/NHS/G6, preferably not staff - (just to keep roles separated) who are considered the "voice" of the community.

They would give feedback on the city on areas of server balance and potential new dev requests to improve everyone's enjoyment of the game.

Whilst RPUK is a serious RP server, it does feel sometimes in my own experience, there are arguments or falling outs over realism vs enjoyment (from a game perspective) and a role within the community, not looking at whether or not a rule has been violated, but constructively providing feedback to the management team could help restore confidence and faith from those feeling hard done by. 

The current situation as it is, does not work. Crims say one thing, devs change something, cops counter it, devs change it back. It's great that there is an appetite to improve things, but there's got to be a better use of dev time rather than the current flip-flop tit for tat "server balance" arguments that see the city going around in circles.

I think having the opportunity to nominate people to be our voice, who have direct contact with management/devs, with no staff background, might be the way forward.

Happy for others to pitch in and build on this idea if they so wish.

The Pros:

  • Community feels they are represented.
  • Voices are heard at a senior level.
  • Restores confidence in those in charge, by others who may feel disenfranchised at present.
  • Increased accountability.

The Cons:

None from a community perspective... perhaps more time having your ears chewed off if you're in the management/dev teams (sorry!)

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? 

Hopefully only for the better!

Detailed Suggestion:

Probably been suggested before, but these should be people within the community, with experience playing a mixture of Cop/Crim/NHS/G6, preferably not staff - (just to keep roles separated) who are considered the "voice" of the community.

They would give feedback on the city on areas of server balance and potential new dev requests to improve everyone's enjoyment of the game.

Whilst RPUK is a serious RP server, it does feel sometimes in my own experience, there are arguments or falling outs over realism vs enjoyment (from a game perspective) and a role within the community, not looking at whether or not a rule has been violated, but constructively providing feedback to the management team could help restore confidence and faith from those feeling hard done by. 

The current situation as it is, does not work. Crims say one thing, devs change something, cops counter it, devs change it back. It's great that there is an appetite to improve things, but there's got to be a better use of dev time rather than the current flip-flop tit for tat "server balance" arguments that see the city going around in circles.

I think having the opportunity to nominate people to be our voice, who have direct contact with management/devs, with no staff background, might be the way forward.

Happy for others to pitch in and build on this idea if they so wish.

The Pros:

  • Community feels they are represented.
  • Voices are heard at a senior level.
  • Restores confidence in those in charge, by others who may feel disenfranchised at present.
  • Increased accountability.

The Cons:

None from a community perspective... perhaps more time having your ears chewed off if you're in the management/dev teams (sorry!)

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? 

Hopefully only for the better!
I'm not sure if the game testers are already fulfilling this role?

I was under the impression that this role was filled with the LS City Council.

I was under the impression that this role was filled with the LS City Council.
In bits and peaces I think this is all already done. Stuff just takes time and the dev list is a mile long and other stuff takes priority.

Has the LS City Council not disbanded?

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I believe this is kind of a thing. From what I last heard, as the server is around 80-90% whitelisted gangs and factions, they occasionally have a "gang lead" meeting attended by gang leads and faction leaders. I beieve there is also a gang leads chat and stuff like that. My information might be outdated though and maybe there hasnt been a gang lead meeting in a while I dont know. Maybe other people can clarify this. 

Miss the old council meets, remember having to sit in a teamspeak meeting like i was on dragons den just to pitch the idea of a sponge to clean blood up and graffiti up

community leaders are already a thing

they're just all apart of whitelisted factions/gangs and so on

seems like a good idea, but don't know how it would work with assigning said people

Game testers are just that, we test things and try to break them, but we have relatively little of a say in what actually happens, depends on what we're testing really.

As has already been mentioned, we used to have the city council which was a group of various members in the community such as group leads, dealership owners, etc who would meet and decide on certain things.

Something like this would definitely be good, how it would work though is a completely different question.
