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Community Meetup Poll 2

Where, roughly, is good for you?

  • North

    Votes: 45 26.9%
  • Mid

    Votes: 79 47.3%
  • South

    Votes: 61 36.5%
  • Further than North

    Votes: 19 11.4%

  • Total voters
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Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Right, so it looks as if the a clear winner, so I'll steam ahead planning an 'Activities' Weekend for you guys. I will however need your ideas on a few more details, then I can go ahead and make this become a reality.
I would request that only those serious about attending vote on this, for obvious reasons.
I'm still taking any feedback on this subject, if you have links for activities you want to be looked at, post them here. With regards to dates, I've left it quite wide, if you have dates that are very good or very bad for you, post here so I can narrow it down to a specific two days. Location wise, I've left it pretty vague, something I will narrow down soon. For those unsure, here is a map. Further than north is what it sounds like, a popular option I'm sure..
After this poll shows a good lead, I can really crack on with hardcore planning. So get voting, get commenting, and I'll get planning!
Thanks chaps
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Everyone be aware if you have not already noticed:

You can vote for multiple options.

My good dates: Whenever, if we decide quickly I can request time off from work.

My best location: Down south, so I don't have to travel... And so I can understand the locals.. Sorry. I would however be willing to travel for you guys, so mid is acceptable. Maybe north if it wins. 

South --> Better (cheaper!) flight connections.

Not too fussed about the date, as long as it's in a weekend.

I come from Germany anyways so it doesn't matter as long as someone would pick me up from the Airport :D

Hm, my birthday is 16th of July, spending it with you lot will be totally worth it! So let's see where the poll goes so I can start planning.

I thought you are scared of going on train with me alone @CI Levi

But if you are not too scared I look forward to go with you!

I bring cookies ♥

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BLACKPOOL            http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blackpool&defid=6192858



Come to Scotland, rent a couple lodges in the cairngorm mountains and we could go do various outdoor activities, loads to do up here.

I vote that we take over the Isle of Wight and turn it into a real life Altis!

This but worried about dysnc
Hmm ... also not sure that the World Courts would be happy with us kicking people off the Island just because they couldn't speak ...

Somewhere up North please so I don't have to put up with the travel sickness any sort of long distance train gives me I don't even need a seat as I spend the whole time in the toilet. :(

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