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Compensation Request - Benz - GTA RP

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Compensation Request

In-game Name: Ben Shmu

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198996556947

Character ID: 59326

The date when this happened: 09/17/22

Please provide full detail and evidence: We were at dodgy doctor when Uncs was trying to defib one of them. He calls me over to give me 50k and then to my surprise I am teleporting to paleto whilst my inventory gets wiped. Uncs has the clip from his pov of him clearly only preforming the dodgy defib on the 229 member to then it which bugs out and uses on me , It didnt give me an option to accept or decline or anything of that sort.  As this bug was  teleporting me  to paleto I managed to get a screenshot of what was lost but It was more than just on the screen.

Link to any evidence:

Screen shot
Lost items and total value of compensation: My inventory before getting dodged and the 50k for the defib

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

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Hi @Benz

By the looks of one of your screenshots, you have a clip of this from your own POV. Are you able to provide us with that?

Thanks for replying unfortunately I have deleted the clip to make space for fifa I provided the necessary clip of the bug and the screen shot of what I lost. I didnt believe I needed it as in my POV I just vanish. And the other POV showcases everything from start to end.

Thanks for replying unfortunately I have deleted the clip to make space for fifa I provided the necessary clip of the bug and the screen shot of what I lost. I didnt believe I needed it as in my POV I just vanish. And the other POV showcases everything from start to end.
Well that wasn't smart was it?

I don't understand why you provided a clip of your friends POV, but not you're own? By the screenshot, it looks like you actually uploaded it to medal, which wouldn't be taking up any storage as far as I am aware. I'm starting to doubt your story, doesn't make sense to me. It is said time and time again in these requests that you should have your own POV, which again you actually had and decided to not include in the request and then deleted it. This makes me think you've done that for a reason. You're POV is the most important thing with these requests, so you shouldn't have disregarded it.

When a defib is 'placed' on a player, they are met with an option to accept or decline. Without your own clip, we'll never know if you declined or not. For that reason, I'll be declining this request for a lack of evidence.

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Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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