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Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

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Compensation Request

In-game Name: Chad Dillon

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198338188307

Character ID: 82832

The date when this happened: 10/09/23

The time when this happened: 11:51

Please provide full detail and evidence: sat down at casino put 200k chips down and it doubled it ( which you will be able to see from the link )and then didnt hand out cards
Also i like going into the casino but past few days its clearly been buggy

Link to any evidence:


Lost items and total value of compensation: 400,000

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

Good afternoon @Bigbc,

Do you happen to have a longer clip which shows more towards the end where you get off of the table?

@Danoo sorry lad I don't didnt think id need a longer one tbh i ended up dealing with something out of city for work and just logged out 

Good afternoon @Bigbc, I hope all is well! 🙂

I've had a look into this compensation and reviewed the evidence you've provided.
The reason I ask for a longer clip at the end, is because I cannot tell if you've gained items back or not. E.g. the server has caught up and refunded you.

Now, from looking through the logs I can see that you actually got 200K blackjack chips back 1 minute after you spent them on the table (Perhaps in your rush for work you hadn't spotted this).
The only thing I can see wrong now, is that you were originally charged twice and was only refunded once for the bet. 

Due to the above, I will be compensating you the following items today:

+ 200,000 Blackjack Chips


If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide.

Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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