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Compensation Request - BLITZ1

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In-game Name: [LF] BLITZ
Steam ID: 76561198087126656
Date this happened: 11/28/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: So me and my friend [LF] Magic was driving to agios in a hatchback sport and our other friends [LF] Drdyzio and GrizzlyBearz pulled out infront of us causing a crash. We died and got revived by a medic called First Aider Thomas. As we were roleplaying with thomas I got kicked off the game and when I spawned back in my character has no gear at all. I do not have evidence however Thomas will be my witness and I hope that is ok, He is not affiliated with us at all he is just being a good guy.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Hats: Defender Helmet

Clothing: Combat fatigues (CSAT)

Vest: CTRG Plate Carrier Rig mk2

Back Pack: Carry All green digity

Rifle: Katiba 6.5mm
Attatchments: MRCO, IR laser pointer
Magazines: 30round caseless mags 6.5mm (x8) / 30round tracer mags 6.5mm (x3)

Items: first aid kit (x3) / Range Finders / GPS
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
This is very true i was going through my regular rp after reviving him but he crashed so i simply said oh dear hes gone unconscious ill leave him in your capable hands. This i also the first time i have ever seen these people too to prove that i have no idea who they are. 

Denied - sorry guys but i cannot go off someone's word on stuff like this

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