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Compensation Request - Bob636369 (Refused)

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Somewhere in Kavala
In-game Name: The Bobbiest Bob
Steam ID: 76561198171705115
Date this happened: 31/05/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: After processing my HEMMT of blood diamonds one of the people that were also processing blood diamonds got in their HEMMT and tried to follow me, they then rammed my HEMMT whilst I was on my way to deposit my diamonds in my house in Pygros, I then asked him to come to the channel we we're in in teamspeak via OOC but they replied with a blank message. His friend Abdullah Harees joined the teamspeak to try to settle the situation however they only had 64k which is extremely insufficient for the amount lost.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 98 x Blood Diamonds = 1715000
12 x Uncut Blood Diamonds = 0
3 x Zipties = 45000
Overall = 1760000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Awaiting results over report first. In future, if you could state this fact and link the report, please.

Linked report: 


The report was not actioned therefor deciding the outcome of this as well.

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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