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Compensation Request - Buidurd (Completed)

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Well-known member
Faroe islands
In-game Name: Buidurrrrd
Steam ID: 76561198138317377
Date this happened: 02/18/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Was at the rebel oustpost. When i started running down the tower i bugged into the corner of the stairs, and ended up dying.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Katiba w/ Supressor, ARCO, Laserpointer, 28 caseless mags & rebel clothing, https://gyazo.com/ec79b43731ae0ba32edfe020cd61d38a
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello Bui,

This is a known ArmA bug and this compensation request is going to be Accepted.

Katiba 6.5 - £130,000

Suppressor - £150,000

ARCO - £7500

Laser Pointer - £5000

28 Caseless Magazines - £84,000

Carrier Rig - £7500

Clothing - £5000

Backpack - £5000

Booniehat - £425

Night Vision - £5000

Total Price - £399,425

You are going to have to be patient as you may not receive your money straight away as we are having some issues with getting the money to you so we ask you to be patient and we will get the money to you as soon as possible. 

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