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Compensation Request - Ciceroo (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Cicero
Steam ID: 76561198027381676
Date this happened: 11/04/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: We were robbing a guy at the athira checkpoint. He told us he had friends in the area, but he didnt say they would shoot us. A couple of minutes later i got shot by his friends. We reported them and it got accepted. We were told we would get a comp for the lost gear. The link to the report is belov, which also contains a video from my friends perspective, where you can see what i lost.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: MXM - 215k. Kahila - 20k. 20 30-round STANAG mags - 20k. vest and clothes - 10k. Total value = 265k
I also ask for a compensation for Dave Mccarthy's gear, as i would have got it if i wasnt shot by his friends. Value = 215k
Total value compensation request = 480k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello, @Ciceroo 🙂

Compensation request will be accepted for £ 320,000

Please note that we are experiencing difficulties with our system at the moment, so compensations may take a while to come through. Because of this, we ask for you to please be patient and to wait for the next wave of compensations to be completed.

Completed 17/04/2017

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