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Compensation Request - cmanley (Refused)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Crazy Joe
Steam ID: 76561198078974997
Date this happened: 05/31/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: i went to buy storage upgrade in my house number 2 for 3mill took the 3 mill shows i got the upgrade and did not up the storage so waited till after restart and still nothing
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 3000000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Hi Crazy. I've pushed this up the to see if anything can be done as that data is not something I have access to. Your patience is appreciated. 

@cmanley can you please check this again.  We had comp request with someone who had a similar issue but it resolved itself. 

Please confirm whether your storage has increased or not.  Thanks.

I've checked your house. It's stored in the DB as 'upgrade level 2' - which means that the calculation of storage should be automatic, and is taken from the base resource-level of the house. In your case, that house's base level is 1000 resource points... so it should work that out as level 2 (40% increase) on top of 1000 = 1400 points.

I've watched your video - clearly, you have ordered a level 2 upgrade, and it's taken the cash... and I can see on the following menu that the house upgrade level seems to have 'taken' (shows level 2) but the space-calculation clearly *hasn't* taken (still shows 1200 points). This is strange. I can't explain that at the moment, other than by the usual BS reasons of lag, distance, weather, period pains, global warming, etc, so I'll refrain from that line of excuses until I know more.

What I need you to do, please, is log in again from a completely cold, freshly-restarted system, ARMA3 loaded from scratch, and go straight to your house and show me the property menu please, if you'd be kind enough to video that for me. It's possible this is a bug affecting all level 1 to level 2 transitions, or maybe the world is just about to end. We shall see. Meantime, I will check Rath's code a little deeper and see if maybe there is a little bug in there somewhere (if so, I'd be surprised, if only because we haven't had a string of other reports about this problem - but it's possible it may only affect level 1 to level 2 transitions and not others... we'll see).

Can i send the vid right to u don't wantto show the loc of it I keep alot of flower in there

Can i send the vid right to u don't wantto show the loc of it I keep alot of flower in there
Seen it - thanks.

Yup, we have a problem, Houston!

I am currently trying to confirm something that I believe is a bug in the code - but it seems that *every* house or building upgraded beyond level 1 (20%) still only gets a 20% boost to the base resources! Which is clearly a mistake.

Once I have confirmed the situation is as I think it is, and written a patch for it, it will go out in a future release. I can't give any timeframe for that right now (my personal life is busy atm, and the original coder who wrote this section is currently away on a kind of sabbatical) - but it will be a priority.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm quite surprised nobody else has spotted it! Meantime, I ask for your patience till we can nail it properly.


Very sorry for the delay on this. 

I spoke to Tiny, and he has advised the bug in the code has been fixed but there is a delay on getting a 3rd party to carry out some kind of update. Sadly there's no ETA but I have been informed they are actively working on it.

Once again, sorry for the delay.

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