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Compensation Request - Firetar (Refused)

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In-game Name: Firetar
Steam ID: 76561198247568944
Date this happened: 06/01/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Before i get into things, I know this was a "client issue" but it was a big issue, and i had worked my socks off for what I had before the accident. So: I got out £2 million to buy a hellcat with to see if the 50% off sale was on, and by accident, i pressed rent, so all my 2 million went to waste and then i got kicked off and it was then completely wasted, i don't have much evidence other than my friend who was a witness, his in-game name is Edward. Despite my lack of evidence, you guys just have to believe me because i must have done like 5-6 long-lasting iron runs to get ready for the sale. If you require proof of the iron runs, i had cops escort me from Agios to Altis Metal Exports and my friend was there for almost all of them too.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: £2,000,000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
@Firetar coud you please link your evidence
Im sorry but unless there is a way we can listen to a past skype call, i don't really have much evidence at all as i didn't think at the time that i'd need to screenshot it as i thought i could easily get the money back by giving the heli back, but then obviously i got kicked off and it got cleaned up

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