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Compensation Request - Funcy (Completed 04/08/2017)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Rav
Steam ID: 76561198218580493
Date this happened: 07/22/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I got VDMed in a green zone then downed whilst waiting for a medic which was 200 metres away I was kicked from the server.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: MXM x,1Silencer x1, Bipod x1, MRCO scope x1 and a black balaclava x1 Thats all I want 
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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As per the Compensation Request Terms that you have confirmed you have read... Please post a player report thread as you've indicated that you died due to VDM, once done, we will wait for the outcome. Your video also doesn't show the actual VDM. I suggest you upload a longer uncut video also.

  • VDM/RDM (Please link your player report thread - We need evidence to process) 
I don't have access to the full video but I don't see why it matters I'm down in a green zone also got kicked thats enough evidence.

Usually we need a player report if you have been VDM'd, especially with the "kicked message" this could either mean server or player's internet as it's not a battle eye kick. I spoke with a staff lead as he noticed a guy in the background running on the spot so has accepted this. In future make sure if you do get VDM'd  get it recorded so we can deal with them also, you might not be so lucky to get kicked next time.

Before it's accepted please list the total value of each of your items, you can see the cost items here::


MXM £210,000

Sound Suppressor £160,000

Bipod £15,000

MRCO £10,000

Balaclava (all) £75,000

Total= £470,000 and if you wanna comp for pistol which you can't see then £500,000 :D


In-game Name: RavSteam ID: 76561198218580493


MXM £210,000

Sound Suppressor £160,000

Bipod £15,000

MRCO £10,000

Balaclava £75,000

Total= £470,000 


Total: £470,000

Please be patient while this is processed.

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