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Compensation Request - Jinx a (Refused)

Jinx a

Well-known member
Ur mums house👌
In-game Name: Jinx Jingtai
Steam ID: 76561198305869875
Date this happened: 05/12/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: The day before this situation, me and my friend went on server 2 to buy gear. I spent roughly 200k on gear as it was discount. The next day I came online to check the discounts if it is still on cause apparently people were saying the sale ends on Monday but I wanted to see for my self. As I log in, I check my stats and I only had £110 cash and £440 in the bank. This day today (12/05/2017) my friend gave me money 11k so I can at least have anoth money to pull out a car. 2 minuets later that money disappeared as well. When I went offline this afternoon; I came online to play and I received the 11k back strangely. I spoke to an Admin on ts called Randomiszed and i explained the situation to him. In his response he told me to post a compensation request and he did try to investigate it. It was very nice of seeing him helping. (ps. thank you to those staff members for helping me:] )
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: I had: £10,800,000 roughly.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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hi @Jinx a 

I truly have no idea how it happened, therefore i gonna pas this on to the devs, They have more knowledge about this than me. 

@TinyBigJacko @Ciaran 

Do you guys maybe have a idea what happened here?

~ Jefke V. 

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Hi @Jefke V 

I found out I lost the money on the 9/05/2017.

HI @Jinx a

i have a couple of questions for you that you need to explain for me. 

Can you tell me what you that morning bought with the money you withdrew-ed ? 
And How much did you took out your bank that morning? 

~ Jefke V.


Hi @Jefke V 

That morning I didn't buy anything I just spawned and had that much money. The image that I put in the evidence, shows where I spawned and that's when I see my money disappeared. 

Hello @Jefke V 

No I never got robbed, i just spawned to check how much money I had then it said I had that much. This happened again on Friday the 12/05/17. I had 11k then it disappeared. When I went off and came back like 1 hour later I had the money back. 

@Jinx a

We're still looking into this trying to work out what exactly happened.  In your last reply, you said that the money came back??

So that we can get all the information correct in one place (mainly because I'm lazy and don't want to keep scrolling up and down to check stuff :p), could you just confirm if the below statement is correct?

You had approx £10.8million, you spent some money on gear and then logged out. When you logged back in you only had about £650 in total and all the other money had disappeared.
During this period you didn't withdraw any money from the bank, you didn't send any money to any other players nor did you buy anything or get robbed by anyone else (In other words, you didn't touch the money, it just vanished)

Hi @Mattch

Lol yh so in other words I don't have the 10.8 million. Either it's a bug on the game or server; or someone has hacked me or something. 

hi @Jinx a

sorry for taking our time on this, but we are trying to find out. what happened.
So please be patient with while we trying to find this out all the way till the bottom. 

~ Jefke V.

Hi @Jefke V

It's ok; but could you tell me a rough date or time when this will be resolved and have my money back.

hi @Jinx a

unfortunately, i cant give you a date yet. we need to check multiple things. Also need we to make sure that this does not happen again. 

~ Jefke V.

@Jinx a - Just to keep you in the loop, we are still looking into this.  Sorry for the long delay so far!

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Hi @Mattch

Its okay, but would I be getting my money back eventually? Cause I just want to make sure right now if I'm getting my money back.

@Jinx a

You say that you spawned in and the money had just gone, you did nothing at all to cause this.

Be honest with me here, did you or did you not withdraw the money from your bank to your hand at an ATM?


Hi I'm serious I just spawned and checked my money like it shows in the photo, I did take a out like 100 pounds later to buy like a toolkit.

@Jinx a - Okai, could you also confirm if anyone else would be able to access your steam account? Maybe a sibling or friend who may have logged in and done something without you realizing?


No cause last time I gave my info my account got swiped so I learnt my lesson. In other words no one has my account details.
