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Compensation Request - jonasmn26 (Refused)

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Active member
In-game Name: jonas
Steam ID: 76561198083620587
Date this happened: 09/24/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: i was selling some LSD at Kavala drugdealer i was almost but then i just die and the vehicle blows op but it was emtpy
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: i lost all the money form the LSD about 850000k for the LSD and 240000k for the mk 1 and the gear set was 67k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello @jonasmn26

Do you happen to have footage leading up to the incident? showing what you had in your truck and you selling the LSD. Also, i would want to see the incident taking place too if that's possible? 

This is a run down of what i will need in order to grant you compensation.

  1. Short lead up to the incident.
  2. The incident itself.
  3. The death.
  4. Bleeding out to death and re-spawning or server kick (Demonstrates no revive or friend picking up weapons etc)
  5. Y, player or vehicle inventory contents (if claiming).
yes i have a video but it shows  then i am die and it also me sell the last of the LSD at the start 

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I need to see the truck you were driving in order to compensate the right amount, you claim around 850k for the LSD. however, for all we know you could have done this in a truck boxer which means the comp would be a lot less. Is there any chance you have evidence of the truck you were in preferably showing the contents of the trunk. Otherwise i will only be able to comp for the 89k LSD i can see you sold in the top right corner and your loadout.

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