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Compensation Request - Knife Wizard (Refused)

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In-game Name: Noel
Steam ID: 140861672
Date this happened: 10/06/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Was landing in rebel outpost to buy ammo and a holo for my MX, when walking back from purchasing I started falling on the spot and then died.

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Mx - 160k
4 mx rounds - 5k
Rook- 25k
Paramillitary garb (jacket)- 15k (Not 100% sure)
Shemag- 75k
Total- 280k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Would you happen to have any evidence showing you having the MX and eventually bleeding out?

Would you happen to have any evidence showing you having the MX and eventually bleeding out?
No sorry, but I think it's obvious I died as I was in rebel outpost and the NHS aren't allowed to go there. Also you can hear in chat my buddies were doing runs. 
I unfortunately dont have any footage showing me having the MX on me as I have it in my backpack because I really didnt want the police to come and arrest me. Now ofc It makes 0 sense to not have it equiped in a KOS zone but I was like 100% sure there was nobody there, as before I landed it I made sure there was 0 people.

Unfortunately seeing as there is no way of confirming that you weren't revived and no proof showing you had most of the stuff you claimed to have had on you at the time of the incident I will be denying this compensation request. 

for future requests please remember to read our compensation request guidelines here: 

Compensation Refused.

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