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Compensation Request - LocInt (Complete)

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In-game Name: LocInt
Steam ID: 76561197977123731
Date this happened: 08/11/17
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was selling salt and two guys appeared and told me to put my hands up and I have 3 seconds to comply or I get killed. I asked few times if they have a reason and why are they doing this and told them that there must be a reason but they just shot me.

When I was shot down I saw one of the guys lockpicking my HEMMT Box and after a restart it was not returned to my carage.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: HEMMTT Box 550k
HEMMT Box cargo had 209.55K worth of refined salt left in it.

Total 759.55K

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Awaiting outcome of Report.

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Request for compensation granted due to the outcome of the player report

HEMMT Box cargo      209.55K 

HEMMT Box     550k.

Total 759.55K

Granted please be patience while we deal with the compensation.

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