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Compensation Request - lodieh

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In-game Name: lodieh
Steam ID:
Date this happened: 06/14/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: i was basically doing a cocaine run on my own, proccessed it went down to the drug dealer and almost sold out everything i had, then an RDMer showed up, which shot a gang member of [TBM]Jimmy, who whas ordered to fire at the RDMer by his teammate, i ran up the stairs at that point not realising what was going on, and got headshotted by one of the bullets from the spray at the RDMer, ive talked about this with them on teamspeak, but because i didnt have a screenshot of my gear they told me to go sort it out on the forums.
i only wanted comp for the rifle because it wasnt their fault entirely, the RDMer caused for panic an i just got unlucky.
(PS) i know the screenshot isnt mucht but you can see the outline of the mk18 with the DMS scope on it
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: MK18 ABR : £230,000
Silencer - 7.62mm : £160,000
DMS : £40,000
BIPOD Variants : £15,000
Processed cocaine : 3,800 x 130 ( but i dont really need the comp for that.)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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