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Compensation Request - MAMBA

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In-game Name: MAMBAMAMBA
Steam ID: 76561198021357796
Date this happened: 10/06/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: i just logged on for like 5 mins so i heard an explosion so went there then this happend. i was standing at a burning truck and waited till the fire goes out looted the sack and the money then got shot as seen on the video
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Full Ghillie Suits : £200,000
CTRG Platecarrier Rig : £7500
Carryall Backpack variant : £5000
Starter Pistol : £10,000
MX SW (BLACK) : £270,000
Silencer - 6.5mm : £150,000
RCO : £7000
DMS : £40,000
Flashlight : £2000
Rangefinder : £3000

Total: £694,500
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
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